And taking it apart again

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For several seconds, Flaggy could only stare at the horrendous event in front of her. Thoughts raced through her mind, each one worst than the last. At the same time, it was like her brain had shut down. She couldn't move, or speak, or do anything.

Marshmallow finally stopped her unnecessarily gory act. Breathing heavily, she dropped the kitchen knife into TV's torso - the very same utensil used to slice off his arm three days previously. Several wires and other electronics were still gripped tightly in her left hand, but they were quickly let go the moment she looked up and saw Flaggy. Her insanity-filled expression cleared ever-so-slightly. "Err..."

Making eye contact with Marshmallow was enough to snap Flaggy out of her trance. She shook her head hard before looking back up. "S-stay where you are," she choked.

Marshmallow ran.

"HEY!" screamed Flaggy, immediately breaking into a sprint as well. "GET BACK HERE!!"

Both girls dashed out the side exit of the mess hall and into the morning drizzle. Marshmallow went east, towards the infirmary, but suddenly cut south and headed down the path that led to the lounge. Tears and raindrops began to blur Flaggy's vision somewhat, but determined, she wiped her wet hair out of her face and continued pursuing.

The lounge came into view. From ahead of Marsh, the door opened, and Marble stepped out. She hesitated when she saw the chase. "What?"

"MARBLE! IT'S MARSHMALLOW!" Flaggy shouted in desperation. "SHE- SHE KILLED TV!"

All it took was a quick glance at Marsh's blood-stained shirt to convince Marble, but before she could react, the murderous girl had already streamed past her, through the lounge and out the other door. Marble joined Flaggy in the chase.

Marshmallow took a hard left and Flaggy realized where she was going. Her cabin. Who knows what weapons she might have stashed in there? She did her best to increase her speed, but a sinking feeling told her that she wouldn't catch up in time.

Seconds before Marsh reached the door of Cabin 7, Cheesy dived out of the tree line and tackled her, football-style. They skidded through the mud in a flurry of limbs with Cheesy coming out on top. Pinning her to the ground, he began to punch her in the face mercilessly. "YOU— FUCKING— BITCH!" he screamed furiously between blows, tears starting to stream down his cheeks. "BOX NEVER DID ANYTHING TO YOU! WHY DID YOU KILL HIM? WHY!?"

"Cheesy, stop!!" cried Flaggy. But Cheesy didn't even hear her. He only ceased when Bone and Bottle came down the path and pulled him off of Marsh. Both kids were covered in mud. Marsh's face was a black-and-blue mess, bruises already forming where Cheesy had struck her. Her nose was clearly broken, the gushing blood mixing with the light rain on her face, and one of her eyes had already swollen shut.

Marble walked over, grabbed Marsh's arm, and yanked her to her feet, only to immediately slam her against the nearest tree. "I hope you appreciate what you've done, the hell that you've put us all through," she growled.

"Marble, stop." Flaggy wrenched the healthy girl away from the injured one. "It's... it's over. We've won, and we're alive. I-" Despite her tender throat, she took a deep, rattling breath, forcing her voice to stay steady. She desperately wanted to take out her anger as well, but she swallowed back several insults. "I want to get revenge, too, but any more violence is only going to worsen things." Now that Marshmallow had been stopped, she allowed the hot tears and rainwater to freely flow down her face.

"I couldn't have said it any better myself."

The five survivors turned around and were utterly unsurprised to see Oodle emerge from the dense forest holding a green umbrella. "This game is basically over," he agreed. "But first, let's give ol' Marshy Marsh a chance to explain how she dunnit all."

Yet Another Murder Mystery (multi object show fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now