No way out

421 12 26

"This is too much," muttered Conditioner. "I'm going back to my cabin to sleep for a year." Flaggy, Dicey, and Suitcase all followed her back to their various cabins.

WL4 grunted. "Those guys have no sense of adventure. I'm gonna go check out the archery range."

"I suppose I'll join you," Mac said. The duo strolled off to the west together, Brain eventually trailing behind them.

It was a short, quiet walk, and before long, all three of them arrived at a large rectangular clearing. In front of them was a rack of bows and two full quivers of arrows, and at both of the clearing's long ends, they could see several red and white targets lined up at various distances. WL4 rushed forwards and grabbed one of the bows, trying to draw the string back. "Geez, these things are strong!" He could barely pull it halfway.

Mac took a bow and arrow for himself and glanced at a target in the distance. Slowly drawing back the string entirely, he raised the bow and fired. The arrow his the target about halfway between the edge and the bullseye. Mac grunted in satisfaction, then turned to see Brain staring at him. "What?"

"Nothing," Brain responded plainly.


TV pushed the door to the mess hall open and flicked on the lights. Bone, Marble, and Marshmallow followed him in. It was a large, rectangular room which was accommodated with many more chairs and tables than the twenty campers needed.

While the others glanced around, TV headed over to the far wall where there was a double door labelled 'Kitchen.' Inside was a kitchen obviously meant to feed a much larger group of people. Rummaging around the room, TV found enough materials to make a dozen different meals and still have some leftover. He rubbed his hands gleefully.

Marble strolled in to find him placing three pans on the large stove. "What in the world are you doing?"

"Cooking," TV answered simply. "I refuse to let this whole thing get to me, so I'm making cheese quesadillas for everyone's dinner tonight. Would you like anything extra in yours?"

"No." Marble opened up various cabinets and began to search through them, recoiling when she encountered some garlic. She quickly grabbed three cans of beans and a can opener, then located two water bottles and filled them up at one of the sinks. "What are you doing?" TV wondered curiously.



"Nunya business."

Puzzled, TV simply watched her go as she left the room.


Cheesy kicked down the door to the Arts and Crafts cabin energetically. "Hi-yah!"

From behind him, 3D-Printed Naily glared at the yellow-haired boy. "Was that really necessary?"

"Of course it was!"

She just grumbled something about stupid boys and went inside. Cheesy and Box went in right after. Two long, rectangular tables with benches on either side took up a large portion of the room. A huge shelf on one wall had supplies galore - printer paper, poster paper, markers, crayons, charcoal pencils, tubes of paint, paintbrushes, glue, colored beads - you name it, they were probably on that shelf. A set of stairs in the back of the room led to a second floor.

3D strolled over to a wooden easel, where a blank canvas was sitting. She looked around, grabbed a paintbrush and a bucket of green paint, and began to think. "I didn't know you liked to paint," Cheesy remarked.

The gray-themed girl dipped her paintbrush into the bucket and glared at him again. "I go to the Yoyle Arts and Games school, dumbass."

"Well, excuse me!" Cheesy huffed and turned around, seeing Box already doodling something on a sheet of paper. "At least Box here is nice and peaceful."

Yet Another Murder Mystery (multi object show fanfic) [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora