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A/N: I recommend y'all quickly check the content warnings at the start of the "Read Me" chapter again, just in case :(

Once the other campers split off away from the showers, Flaggy tracked down Bone. She found him sitting on a bunk alone in Cabin 6, of all places. He glanced up when she walked in and closed the door. "Uh, hello."

"Hi." She sat down on the cot across from him. "I have a question for you. A couple, actually. I don't know if you're the murderer or not, but I've noticed some odd actions from you while we've been at this mock camp." Bone tried to reply, but she kept going. "And if you are the murderer, don't try anything funny. I told TV I would try to track you down, so if I die, he'll know you did it," she bluffed.

Bone gulped. "Wh-what are your questions?"

Flaggy began to count off on her fingers. "While we were discussing Dicey's death, I noticed that you briefly sounded a lot more confident than usual. You're often pretty meek - I don't mean that in a bad way, but it seemed off. Then, the day after, I encountered you talking to yourself quietly, like you didn't want anyone to hear. Later, right before Marble came back, we were talking in the mess hall, and you sounded confident again during part of it. Your eyes changed color to a darker pink, and you ate my strawberry toast without even thinking about the fact that the jelly looked like blood. Finally, the easiest path from the lounge to the showers is by entering from the east side, but you said you went in from the west door." Flaggy inhaled. "I apologize in advance if this is some mental thing or whatever, but in this game, I can't leave anything to chance. Your personality has been flip-flopping the whole time we've been here, Bone, and I want to know why."

She sat back, breathing deeply after spewing out so many words. Bone stared at her, then chuckled. "You're more observant than I thought."

Flaggy sat back up, seeing that his eyes were more red than pink now. But they quickly shifted back to the original color. "Hey!" Bone hissed to himself.

"What?" Bone continued, eyes back to red. "She's figured us out. Might as well tell her."

"Go on..." Flaggy prompted.

His eyes turned pink once more, and Bone sighed, burying his face in his hands. "Do you... know what Dissociative Identity Disorder is?" he asked, voice muffled.

"I... think I've heard of it?"

"It's also called multiple personality disorder. That's essentially what th-this-" Bone waved at himself. "-is, sort of."

Flaggy stared at him. "So, you have two... personalities?"

"Yup!" he answered, suddenly sounding chipper. He lifted his face and his eyes were back to the red-tinged version. "I'm not sure when exactly I appeared, but it was at some point when we were pretty young. We've been stuck together since then, sharing memories, eyesight, etc. All those lovely senses."

Flaggy shook her head in confusion. "How do you do that? I've never seen someone with color-changing eyes before."

Bone shrugged. "Dunno. We're a bit of a special case. Nobody knows about us, except our parents and a couple of doctors."

"You keep referring to yourself as 'us,'" she noted. "You're really two separate people? Do you have different names?" She suddenly shook her head again. "No, no. I shouldn't be asking. This is private stuff."

As she watched, Bone's expression and eye color changed back to what seemed the norm. "It's fine... honestly, it's... a bit of a relief to be able to tell someone again. And to answer your question, no, we don't have separate names. We're both 'Bone...' in a way. Although I'm... more so...? Since I was here first, i-if that makes sense. Since I rarely talk about this to anyone, I just refer to my alternate self as exactly that. Part of my mind."

Yet Another Murder Mystery (multi object show fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now