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"It's okay for me to sleep on the floor."

He took the towel to go to the bathroom, he stopped at the bathroom door. "Sleep on the bed, it's okay for me to be next to you." I couldn’t help but smile at what he said.

I would have crawled into bed to sleep, but I remember that I was not clean yet. I leaned against the wall while sitting on the floor and looking around his room as I waited for him to come out of the bathroom. I moved my lower body and looked closely, only now have I seen the real beauty of my lower body. It looks like it glows too white or because of the skin.

Soon I heard the door of his bathroom open. "Why aren't you asleep yet?" He asked me as he wiped his hair with the towel.

"A -ah. I'm not clean so I might get your bed dirty." I shyly said to him.

"Is that so .. I'll bathe you if it's okay with you." I nodded at him. He lifted me and took me to the bathroom. He bathed me and then he wiped my body and dressed me with his clothes.

We quietly lay down on the bed. I thought he was asleep so I turned to face him but he wasn't asleep yet.

"Are you afraid to sleep while you're next to me?" I asked him in a whisper. He just shook his head at me.

"Before I couldn't figure out why I was given the mission to find and protect you, now I know why." He smiled and said. "Because you are a special child with a good heart." He added.

I do not understand what happened in my life, as far as I know now that someone came to protect me. I don’t know what awaits me tomorrow, I don’t know what my destiny is in this world why I was born like this, but I am ready to face my future no matter what happens.

"I apologize about earlier because of me, dada fainted from extreme fear."

"It's okay, you shouldn't apologize, it's not your fault. I just didn't expect you to change your appearance. But when you spoke I knew right away that you were the one I had been looking for for a long time, and I knew you couldn't hurt anyone."

"I'm still confused but I want to thank you because you're the only person who saw my true form and you accepted me without being afraid." I know he was scared at first but eventually his fear disappeared.

Before, I was always nervous and felt scared when I was with someone else who was not close to me. I always ask mom why I am like this but she always says that I am a special child, who should be valued and loved. My mom, I feel her love but my dad treats me the opposite, he is always angry with me, he hurts me for no reason but I just understood him because he may not have accepted that his son is a monster.


"Visit us  when you have time."

I nodded to Jumpol and waved at him. They took me here to the house early and they left immediately. I entered our house and my mom immediately met me.

"Good morning my love, where did you sleep last night? You made me worried." Mom kissed me on the forehead, I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Don't worry mom, I'm fine." I hugged her but I immediately slipped out of her embrace when I saw a girl standing in the doorway. I think she's older than me. I frowned before looking at her. Mom turned behind her and looked at me.

"She's your half sister." Mom said to me. I just nodded at her.

He never smiled at me. Mom took my hand and we went to the girl.

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