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I sat on the sofa and I looked out the window, thinking deeply. I hope if my laptop was just here I wouldn't be stressed like this, I'd rather write than think of something I can't understand.

I turned to Off to approach him where he was sitting on his soft bed. "Explain everything to me because I'm going crazy thinking about it." I said softly, I leaned over him.

My heart beat faster. Shiaa! Why am I nervous ?

He turned to me and touched my face. We stared at each other for a few minutes before he spoke. "I don't know where to start." He said sadly. He removed his hands and lay down on the bed.

I don't know why but my heart is beating fast and I'm confused by how I feel now, in his eyes there is something I can't explain.

I looked at him and staring at his face. Ohoo! You are handsome! I shook my head trying to get my thoughts out of my mind. Calm down Gun! Remember, your heart is broken.

"You're cute. "He said firmly to me.

I averted my eyes from him.

"Explain to me why you don't want me to go home."

"You told me last night that you wanted to stay at my house for a few days." My eyes widened.

Now he is sulking."Don't you remember?" Off asked me.


I closed my eyes because I was dizzy.

After a while, I felt someone carrying me. I buried my face in the chest of the one who lifted me. His scent makes me feel like I just want to stay like this forever.

It was as if he had put me in the car seat. I opened my eyes I was not mistaken I was in the car, I closed my eyes again.

"Gun you have to go home, you're drunk." That's Off's voice. My eyes remained closed.

"I don't want to go home..." Tears trickled down my cheeks while my eyes were still closed.

I remember what happened earlier, I don't want to go home, I'm sure they will be in my apartment to wait for my return. I need to find a place to sleep now or just for a few days, but how come I only have so little money now? It's very bad timing.

Off stroked my hair. "Shh .. Don't cry .. Crying doesn't suit you, you're too cute to cry." He said softly.

"Promise me you won't take me to my apartment." I told him as I slowly opened my eyes.

He raised his right hand before he spoke. "Promise. Cross my heart I won't take you to your apartment." He said happily.

"I don't want to go back to that house." I said to him as I cried. "Can I stay at your house for a few days?" I sighed while still crying.

"Of course Gun, you're welcome to my house as my new friend."

I looked at him and wiped away my tears. "Really ?!" I said with exited tone of my voice.

He nodded. He had already operated his car.

"Rest first I know you're tired." He said to me while driving.

I knew I was very drunk because I was dizzy and my body lacked strength.


"Oh ... I remember." I smiled at him.

"That's good." He replied happily.

"But ... That doesn't mean I can't go home to my apartment."

Fight For Me [ OffGun ] ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin