vi | Crystal Clear

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With the arc reactor secured in her chest instead of the electromagnet, Mirai could move more freely now instead of having to lug around the car battery.

It's been roughly around three months since the teen has been captured. Her ebony hair had grown much longer but was grimier and had lots of split ends. The odd time her captors would allow her to bathe but she would always decide not to, afraid of CCTV cameras with prying eyes.

She had grown a few inches too, now standing at 5'4", but she had lost a lot of weight. Yinsen would worry about the girl and would sometimes try to give her his portions of food, but she would always deny.

The Ten Rings thought Mirai and Yinsen have been working religiously on the Jupiter missile, when really they were working on their great escape from this horrendous place.

"You still haven't told me where you're from." Mirai questioned Yinsen one night. They had decided to play a game of crazy eights while they were taking a break from working.

"I'm from a small town called Gulmira," He said shuffling the cards and placing them down, "It's actually a nice place."

"You got family?" She asked. She placed a small cup of hot water next to him, while she poured her own.

"Yes, and I will see them when I leave here. And you, Mirai?"

Mirai looked up at him and shrugged, "I guess...I have my assistant and body guard. My father's friends also look out for me..."

Yinsen glances momentarily at her, "You know...I've been here for some time, so it was quite a shock to me when they brought you here instead of your father...I'm sorry to hear about their passing..."

"It's alright..." Mirai trailed off, staring at her reflection in her hot water.

"I hate to pry...but may I ask how they passed?"

It took Mirai a few seconds before she answered, "Plane accident...they were going on a trip to Hawaii for their wedding anniversary...the pilot had a heart attack mid-air."

"I'm so sorry..." Yinsen whispered, "You weren't on the plane were you?"

"No, I was studying in a boarding school in London." Mirai assured, sipping her drink, "After they died, I was sent home right away to take over my father's company."

"But you're so young..?"

Mirai chuckled a bit, "Yeah I me I'd rather be doing anything else..."


She pondered for a moment before smirking, "I always thought about becoming a hero when I was younger, but my father would shut that idea down immediately...told me to use my ability for something I graduated from Tokyo Tech with a degree in mechanical engineering..."

"And now?" Yinsen asked, raising an eyebrow.

Mirai tilted her head slightly.

"What about now?"

"Why don't you become a hero now? Surely someone you trust could take over the company?"

Yinsen gave her a small smile and a nod, before dealing out the rest of the cards, while Mirai stared at him with a perplexed look.

𝑰𝒓𝒐𝒏 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕, izuku midoriya¹Where stories live. Discover now