ii | 36 Hours Earlier, pt. i

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〖 36 Hours Earlier, Tokyo 〗

Naomasa Tsukauchi knew that the young girl hated award ceremonies, but why on earth did she have to leave him hanging like this when he was personally asked to present an award to the girl. He released a huge sigh and smoothed down his tux and decided to turn his attention to the video montage on the screen.

It exhibited Daisuke Kobayashi's achievements before his unfortunate death. It also showed his only daughter, Mirai Kobayashi, taking over his company after finally graduating Tokyo Institute of Technology at aged 13. Tsukauchi glanced over at a woman sitting at one of the tables in the audience. He made eye contact with Akane Akano, Daisuke's previous partner and Mirai's current partner at Kobayashi Industries.

He mouthed, 'Where is she?' which made the woman shrug in response.

The audience clapped as the montage finished, which made Tsukauchi curse under his breath, before gripping the award tighter and stiffly making his way up to the podium that was located in the middle of the stage.

"Ah," Tsukauchi sighed nervously into the microphone, flushing in embarrassment, "Thank you, I've had the complete privilege to present this years award to this young prodigy, Mirai Kobayashi. Mirai?" He called out towards the end, hoping she would hear and come running.

No luck.

He glanced at Akane again, seeing her once again shake her head. The audience clapped as she stood up, smoothing out her long red, sparkling gown and making her way up to the stage.

Everything about Akane Akano was red; red hair, red clothes, nails, lipstick, eye shadow, even her name had red in it. It's why Mirai always referred to her as 'Madame Red.'

She made it up to the stage and leaned into Tsukauchi as she kissed his cheek leaving a bright red lip mark.

"Thanks for the save." He said, handing her the award.

She smiled sweetly at the audience before placing the shiny award down on the podium, "Thank you, Detective."

"Well, as you can see I'm not Mirai," She joked, as the audience chuckled, "But if I were Mirai, I would tell you how honored I feel to receive this prestigious award. Mirai, that girl, you know...The best thing about Mirai is also the worst thing. She's always working hard."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

"Okay, opposing team on your left!" Mirai frantically exclaimed, as she sniped someone on the opposite team.

Empty sweet wrappers and coffee cans laid messily on the floor. The lights were switched off, the only light illuminating from the television. A formal dress was hung up, discarded, on the bathroom door.

Mirai Kobayashi, the young prodigy who graduated from T.I.T at aged 13 and the young woman who was supposed to be at the awards ceremony just downstairs, was instead in her cozy hotel room, clothed in an old Mirko tank-top and black sweatpants, her long brown hair was messily pulled up into a high ponytail as she played an online game with a few random mutuals.

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