iii | 36 Hours Earlier, pt. ii

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"THREE HOURS!!!" Tsukauchi yelled, as Kou helped Mirai out of the car.

"Hmm?" Mirai hummed, taking her white backpack from Kou.

"For three hours you had me standing here," Tsukauchi exclaimed, standing at the door of the Kobayashi private jet.

"All right I'm sorry...lost track of time," Mirai muttered, climbing up the steps not before waving goodbye to Kou, who waved back.

"You're lucky Aizawa ain't here." Tsukauchi grumbled.

"Waiting on you now," Mirai joked, patting his shoulder before yelling, "Lets get it!"


Mirai stared at Tsukauchi from across the table. Her head rested on her hands.

"Whatcha reading?" She asked in a high voice like a girl from a cartoon she used to watch as a kid.

"Nothing." He grumbled, flipping over the page of the file he was reading.

"Come one sourpuss, don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad."

"I said I was sorry."

Tsukauchi ignored her and continued reading his file. Mirai pouted. It was an eight-hour flight so Tsukauchi was bound to speak to her at some point.

She decided to take out her phone and text her friend.

8 hour flight keep me company plsssss!!!!

She watched as the 3 dots popped up before her friend's message finally popped up.


meany >:3

lol ;P

Kyoka Jirō was the only friend that Mirai had due to the fact that Mirai never went to a normal middle school, except a boarding school a few years back, and instead just went straight to university.

They met 2 years ago at a random music store. They had reached for the same rock album they wanted to purchase and you could probably tell what happened next. Overtime the girls grew much closer.

The two girls talked for few hours before Jirō had to go. She told Mirai that she was training and studying to get into her dream school U.A.

Mirai spent the rest of her time going over her cue cards on what to say at the demonstration in Afghanistan, chatting with Tsukauchi who eventually came around and playing video games.


After an eight-hour flight, Mirai and Tsukauchi finally arrived at the Bagram Air Base located in Afghanistan.

They both departed down the steps of the jet. Mirai was ushered towards the general. She made sure to straighten her posture and put on one of her best smiles.

"General." Mirai greeted in English before bowing. The general smiled at the young girl before shaking her hand.

"Welcome, Miss Kobayashi. We all are looking forward to your weapons presentation." The general stated.

Mirai nodded and excused herself before making her way over to Tsukauchi. She took out her cue cards and started going over her lines.


𝑰𝒓𝒐𝒏 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕, izuku midoriya¹Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ