iv | A New Heart

141 8 0

Day 1, Afghanistan


So much pain.

That's all Mirai felt as she abruptly jolted awake. Her whole chest hurt and burned as if it were on fire. She took a huge gulp of air and slowly tried to catch her breath.

For a moment she closed her eyes and hoped she was back in her chaise in her workshop in Aoyamadori.

When she opened them again, she looked up at the ceiling at what seemed to be a cave. Loose stalactites hung from it, as pieces of dust and dirt would fall when stomping or loud yelling occurred.

She suddenly felt a twitch in her nose. She brought her hand up and began to pull a tube from her nose while gagging. She let out a huge breath when it was finally all out.

Looking to her left, Mirai noticed a dirty cup of water. She reached her arm over to grab it but her hand was too shaky causing it to drop onto the floor.

She groaned in annoyance. She looked up seeing a man humming while looking in a mirror, shaving.

She went to move her body hoping to sit up but something tugged her back causing her to moan in pain.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The man stated.

Confused, she turned her body over slowly noticing a
car battery settled beside her with wires attached to them. She quickly grabbed one of the wires and followed it, now noticing that the end of it was attached to her bandages chest.

Her heart began to sped up as she trashed about, tugging at the bandages. She finally broke threw the bloodied gauze as she stared at a round metal object that was implanted in the middle of her chest.


Now sitting up properly by a fire, Mirai looked at her chest in a mirror, while the man made food for them.

"What the hell did you do to me?" Mirai asked, looking up at him.

The man chuckled quietly, "What I did?"

Getting a better look at him now, Mirai noticed he was a fairly tall and thin man that seemed to be in his late 40's. He had light brown skin with brown eyes. He was wearing circular glasses and he was semi-bald with black hair going around the sides of his head and had a greyish-white beard. He was wearing a white shirt with a brown vest and brown pants that looked like they haven't been cleaned in quite a while.

"What I did is to save your life. I removed all the shrapnel I could, but there's a lot left, and it's headed into your atrial septum. Here want to see?" He asked, pulling a bottle of shrapnel and shaking it, "I have a souvenir. Take a look."

He tossed her the bottle as she caught it, still staring at him in disbelief.

"I've seen many wounds like that in my village," He continued, as Mirai twirled the bottle around in between her fingers, "We call them the walking dead because it takes about a week for the barbs to reach the vital organs."

"And what is this." She asked, glaring slightly at him while pointing at the round thing imbedded in her chest.

"That is an electromagnet, hooked up to a car battery and it's keeping the shrapnel from entering your heart. Hmm?" He raised a brow and nodded as if to say 'satisfied?'

Mirai looked down at the electromagnet again and frowned.

"Couldn't you have made it less ugly looking?"

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