i | The Irony

313 12 2

Normal - Japanese.
Italics - English.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Three convoy vehicles cruised down a rocky region located in the Kunar Province of Afghanistan. In one of the vehicles, three tense soldiers seated, glancing warily at a young girl, about the age of 14, in the backseat.

The sound of rock music could be heard from the girl's earphones as she focused on her game console. Her pink tongue stuck out in concentration as she tried to beat the level she was on.

Feeling like she was being watched, Mirai glanced up to meet the gazes of the 2 male soldiers.

Mirai let out a long sigh and saved her game before turning it off and ripping out her earphones, "Come on, you guys are killing me," the young Japanese girl groaned in English, looking around at the soldiers, "I feel like you're going to pull over and snuff me. What are you guys not allowed to talk?" She asked.

When the soldiers said nothing she glanced over at the soldier next to her in the backseat, "What about you?"

"We can talk, miss." The soldier replied still feeling slightly intimidated by the teen.

"Ah, I see. So is it personal?"

"No miss, you just intimidate them." The female soldier, who was driving, spoke up.

Mirai glanced at her and laughed, "They're intimidated? I'm the fourteen year old being escorted by three soldiers, if anything I should be the one that's intimidated." She said, making the soldiers chuckle and loosen up a bit.

"Come on, it's okay, laugh." Mirai said. The male soldier sitting in the passenger seat turned to her, "Um, miss, I have a question if you don't mind."

"Yes, please. Ask away." She stated.

"Is it true your Father worked with David Shield, the scientist who creates support items for pro-heroes?"

"That is an excellent question, yes he did, my father and Uncle David went to college together in the States, they worked together for nearly 22 years." Mirai stated.

"So does that mean they went to college with All Might, the number one hero in Japan?"

"Yes, all three of them were great friends." Mirai said, making the soldiers amazed by the answer, "Anything else?" The soldier seated next to her, raised his hand.

Mirai gave him a deadpan look; "You're kidding me with the hand up, right?"

"Is it cool if I take a picture with you?" He asked timidly.

"Yes." Mirai agreed, "It's very cool." She internally sighed. The soldier grinned before taking off his seat beat and sliding over to the smaller girl. He handed his phone to the soldier in the front.

"Just don't use that dog filter." Mirai chided before striking a pose and holding up a peace sign. The soldier holding the phone seemed to be having a problem taking the picture causing the two soldiers to begin having an argument on how to take it.

Mirai sweat dropped and lowered her peace sign, her grin slowly faded away as the two continued to argue.

Suddenly something hit and blew up the vehicle in front of them. Gunshots could be heard and were hitting the side of their vehicle.

Mirai's eyes grew wide as she tried not to panic, which wasn't working very well.

Her whole body starts to shake, her heart beating rapidly against her chest, "What's going on?" She asked in alarm.

"Contact left!" The female soldier screamed, immediately grabbing her gun and exited the truck to step out into combat before she was immediately shot down.

"Stay with the kid!" The soldier in the passenger seat screamed, before rushing out. The soldier seated next to Mirai pushed her down to shield her. All of a sudden the second soldier was shot dead, the gunfire breaking the windshield. Mirai gasped loudly and covered her ears.

"Son-of-a-bitch!" The first soldier yelled, before cocking his rifle and rushing out to avenge his group.

Mirai looked up panicked, "Wait, wait, wait! Don't leave me here!" She shouted, not even realizing she switched back from English to Japanese.

"STAY HERE!" He yelled at her. He turned around before he was instantly shot and fell to the ground with the rest of his crew.

Multiple bullet holes pierced the vehicle causes Mirai's ear to ring. She stared around in a daze, before opening the door and stumbling out into the chaos. She dove behind a rock for cover, her hearing was back and she could hear the gunfire. She pulled out her phone to call for help when something landed beside her.

A few feet away from the young heiress, was a missile literally with her name on it. Ironic. She looked over to see the Kobayashi logo on the missile.

She gasped loudly and tried to get up to escape, but unfortunately the bomb exploded. The impact caused her body to fly roughly through the air.

She screamed and hit the ground hard, the ringing returning to her ears. She moaned as she felt an excruciating pain in her chest. She pulled at her white blouse as a pool of blood started to form. The bulletproof vest the teenager was forced to wear for safety obviously didn't work.

'I'm dying,' Mirai's last thoughts were, as she let her head fall back to the ground as her eyes fluttered closed, not noticing her attackers coming towards her.

'I'm so dead...'

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

First chapter of Iron Heart is officially out. I hope everyone enjoys. Make sure to leave a comment or vote. I'd love tp hear some feedback

Thanks everybody :D
Plus Ultra!!!!

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