Chapter 46

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I know her behaviour might not be liked by you guys but I wanted to show that after realising love how a person reacts and in that they forget that they might be hurting someone.

Bhaviksha's POV!

"Bhaviksha in the last period i will be in the football Field, so if you could please come there then we will leave for Library?" Parth said


We both left his class and moved to our other respective classes.

After the last period i moved to Football field.

Football practice that means Aarav too!

When i reached there i was correct, their practice just stopped and Aarav was also there.

Parth run towards me and said "i will be right back"

I smiled.

When he wemt Aarav came to me "hi"

"Hi" i said

"So going for project discussion?"


He nods.

"Let's go Bhavi" i heard Parth, he changed his dress.

"Hey Aarav, you know Bhavi?" He asked Aarav

"Yes she is "my" best friend" Aarav stressed on the word my.

"Oh really even she is mine" Parth said with a smile.

"Friend! you mean just friend" Aarav said narrowing his eyes a bit and harshness in his voice

"Obviously what else?? Sorry Aarav we are getting late, come let's go Bhavi" Parth held my hand and i found Aarav looking at our joined hands.

"Where are you going?" Aarav asked me

I opened my mouth to speak but Parth replied instead of me "library"

Aarav just nodded and looked at our hands again.

Parth and i moved to the library.

We began to discuss about our project.

After 5 mintues i saw Aarav entering the Library. What is he doing here???

He stood over a shelf and picked up a book, Parth is speaking something and i am not paying any heed to it.

Aarav come and stand Infornt of us "umm can i sit with you guys?"

"Aarav what are you doing here?" Parth asked

"Actually my professor gave us to do business Assignment so came in to study here" he Just shrugged and sat infornt besides me.

Okay Now this is really awkward.

Parth and i discussed many things and jot them over, i am trying my hard not to get affected my Aarav's presence.

Parth suddenly stood up and pulled his chair near me and kept his laptop in front of me..

"Look Bhavi this is -"

"Her name is Bhaviksha" i heard Aarav

"What?" Parth asked

"Her name is Bhaviksha not Bhavi" he sound rude

"But i call her like this itself, with her nick name"

"But she doesn't like it, right Bhaviksha?" Aarav looked at me as if he wants me to say yes.

Is, is he jealous by any chance??? Why not to try it??

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