Chapter 27

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Sorry for the late update!! Please don't mind the mistakes if there are any.

Aarav's POV

I just can't believe that she is in my house!!!! That to for 10 days.

When she entered my room i thought that i was my hallucinations but she was and is actually in my house.

My heart flipped with joy, i longed to see her for so long and now when she came, i acted like a stupid idiot.

When her father, uncle Raj blessed me saying that i get the most beautiful and intelligent wife that time i looked at Bhaviksha, she is beautiful and intelligent. I thought and my cheeks heat up, did i just !!!! Oh god.

All the time i sat quietly as i am scared also.

When Pratap came in and he began to show off, i didn't mind it because he is always like this but when he began to Flirt with Bhaviksha, believe me i wanted to kill him there itself but i couldn't.

Why do have to be so helpless !!

At dinner time Bhaviksha was compelling me to eat the delicious food which everyone was eating except Me and Pratap.

When i didn't eat, she looked upset and hardly ate anything and went out of there.

Here, right now i am looking my food and then her empty seat.

"Your daughter is stubborn Raj" Dadaji said

"No uncle ji it's not like that, she actually can't see her friend eating salad when she herself is eating delicious food infront of him, so that why" Raj uncle said

"But salad is healthy for a fit body and mind, why is she compelling Aarav to eat them forcefully?" Dadaji said

Sheena Aunty said "sorry for her misbehaviour but uncle ji my daughter is like this only, if her friend is not eating anything then even she won't"

"Hmm i see......" Dadji said and began to eat his food.

Everyone ate food but i didn't.

After dinner her mom and dad went in her room with food but she didn't open it.

I am sure she is upset from me.

It is 12:15 Am and i secretly entered in the kitchen and take some food on a plate.

I go back to my room and then enter in my balcony.

Did i tell you guys that there is an attached balcony???

My room and her room her attached with a balcony, i.e 2 rooms but same balcony.

I hope her balcony gate is open.

I push the door and hush it is open, thank god.

I slowly entered in and found her sketching something, many papers were thrown all around in round balls, she didn't notice me.

She is still awake!!!

"Bhaviksha" i said softly.

She stopped drawing and turned around her head, she frowned and stood up "how did you enter in?"

"Balcony" i gestured towards it "its attached with my room"

"Okay why are you here?" She asked rudely and folded her arms.

"You didn't eat i brought you food" i said showing her the plate in my hands.

"I am not eating" she again sat on the table and began to do sketching.

I kept the plate besides her and said "please eat something Bhaviksha"

She didn't speak anything.


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