Fury of Abzu

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Zolgen was backed against a wall with the father of the gods glaring down at him. 

Zolgen: "What manner of creature are you!?"

Abzu: "Didn't I just tell you, creature?"

Zolgen tried to stand his ground, but when faced with the wrath of a primordial force such as Abzu. The god drove a punch into the mage's stomach, sending out a shockwave strong enough to crack every inch of the area around them.

A swarm of insects then surrounded the mage and he reappeared again just behind Abzu. However when he tried to run, he felt an extreme pain in his chest. Looking down, he saw a black and red ribbon impaled through his torso. He looked up and saw Sakura holding one of her arms out, the ribbon extended from a void below her feet.

He attempted to try and run again, however Abzu's hand found grasp around his skull. The god slowly began to crush him as he writhed in agony, feeling his skull beginning to cave in with the force of Abzu's grip.

Zolgen struggled for a while before a few words managed to escape his lips.

Zolgen: "I invoke... Barbatos!"

Abzu was knocked back by a metre or so as the massive form of the demon god pillar, Barbatos, emerged in front of the group.

Raikou: "Master!"

Abzu: "He is fine! We must prioritise bringing this thing down!"

The others nodded before surrounding the many-eyed tentacle that was jutting out of the ground. Abzu looked at the axe in his hand and envisioned the blood on it's blade. The blood of his mate.

Abzu: "... Nga Ilati Tiamat."

Abzu felt a tugging from within himself and soon he found himself upon the beach.

???: "Nga ilu Abzu."

Abzu smiled gently as he felt his spirit fade and become something new. A pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders as Y/n appeared in front of him.

Abzu: "Y/n. Come, it is time for ascension."

Y/n was stunned until he saw Abzu beginning to fade.

Y/n: "This is our last conversation, isn't it?"

Abzu smiled gently again, his warmth making the sea calm. Y/n smiled in response as he walked over to the god. Abzu extended his hand to the young magician.

Abzu: "I shall leave unto you the fury of Abzu. My power given manifestation as an avenger divine-core."

Y/n grasped the god's hand before he was suddenly brought into a hug by the father of life.

Abzu: "I must thank you. You reminded me of what it is to be a father. I know this isn't the best time, but this power shall help you defeat Barbatos."

Y/n: "You've lost the authority in your voice."

Abzu: "I should think I don't need it when talking to my successor. Though, I will miss our chats. It was a short time admittedly, but I thank you sincerely for the hell of an adventure you've taken me on."

Abzu smiled down at the magician as his body finally faded into the wind. Y/n regained full control of his body as he heard one last parting message from Abzu's other half.

???: "Rugummum ina agu. Rugummum men kima-zu GAŠ-an."

Y/n smiled and nodded before opening his eyes as Barbatos loomed over him. A mischievous smirk emerged on his face as he saw the axe in his hand.

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