Crazy Jihadi Clown

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The pair of masters and their servants all arrived at the old mansion where Jekyll's friend was supposedly hiding out from all the automatons and homunculi.

The first thing they noticed was that the whole place was more badly burned than someone with an opinion on twitter.

Ophelia: "What could've done this?"

Mordred and Y/n both exchanged glances before quickly looking away from each other to stop themselves from laughing. They DID blow up Zouken Matou's home in the fifth heaven's feel.

Ophelia: "Y/n, you have access to kaleidoscope, yes?"

Y/n: "Only barely. I'm still only tapping into that power."

Ophelia: "Can you use it to see what happened here?"

Before Ophelia could go on, a shrill, eerily cheery voice echoed across the courtyard.

???: "You don't have to look far for the answer to that, little missy.~"

The two jumped out of the way as a figure landed between them. A man in some sort of clown outfit.

Y/n: "Didn't know the circus was in town."

???: "Y'know I've heard that one so many times I'm sure that I've blown away just as many people as I've heard it."

Y/n: "What are you, Astolfo?"

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Y/n: "What are you, Astolfo?"

???: "Heheheheheheheheheh."

The most unnerving, yet hilarious part of this clown's mannerism was that whenever he laughed he would bob his body up and down rapidly like some sort of demented jackhammer with an opium addiction.

???: "Who can say who I really am?... EXCEPT ME OF COURSE, NYEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!"

Ophelia: "... I hate it."

???: "Don't hate what ya don't understand, little miss! CUZ THIS CLOWN LIKES TO PARTY!!"

The deranged clown threw a bunch of clocks at them, each of which had little spider legs and ticked down, indicating what they were.

Y/n: "... Oh fuck this guy's a Jihadi."

???: "If that's the case... ALLAHU AKBA-"


Multiple explosions rocked the courtyard as Y/n sprinted to Ophelia.

Y/n: "Ophelia, can Zhuge hit him from where he is?"

Ophelia: "They're both casters so it won't do much to him."

Y/n: "Fuckin' shit! Jack's off in her own little world as well."

Just as he had said, Jack was busy playing with the remnants of a charred corpse.

Y/n: "... Well we know where Jekyll's friend is now."

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