Fran: "Ba... bbage."

Mordred: "... Holy shit she just spoke."

Arthur: "Either way, Babbage was what she just said."

Y/n: "Charles Babbage. The fuckin' grandfather of steam based invention?"

Roman: "The same."

Paracelsus: "Well, I believe that will be all I am required for. I'll just be goi-"

Mordred: "Yeah, I think the fuck not, Pal."

Paracelsus shivered before Raikou knocked him unconscious with the hilt of her katana.

Raikou: "Master. You look a bit out of sorts. Are you unwell?"

Sakura: "Y/n?"

Y/n looked at his hands and noticed his skin was paler than normal. Abzu then spoke through him, causing Sakura to go into a state of shock.

Abzu: "I must apologise. However the effects of Azathoth's influence haven't yet worn off. Y/n'll need to rest for a while longer."

Jekyll: "That's fine. You've done quite a lot already without much in terms of rest. I'd say you've more than earned a break."

Gudao: "We just gonna ignore the little fuckfest with Chiyo?"

Abzu: "That was less rest and more Chiyo trying to get a new batch of young from my host. Which reminds me, Y/n. If you wish, I can try and mark out any future symbols that will appear."

Y/n: "The raven, the fire and the darkness, right?"

Abzu: "There are others. A serpent, a dragon and a lightning bolt being but a few."

Y/n pondered to himself for a while before he saw Sakura's face.

Y/n: "Sakura? You okay?"

Sakura: "Y- Yes. I'm sorry it's just... who was that?"

Y/n sighed before taking a seat on the couch next to Sakura.

Y/n: "This is kinda weird to explain but... what you just heard was the voice of Abzu. The primordial father of Sumerian myth."

Sakura's eyes widened as Y/n lifted his shirt. The markings on his abdomen were clear and vivid against his pale, scarred skin.

Sakura traced her finger up one of the lines that lead to his upper chest. Gudako grumbled as she watched.

Jekyll then cleared his throat.

Jekyll: "As interesting as this is, Jack just informed me that somebody's snooping around nearby."

Y/n: "Right. Well done, Jackie."

Jack giggled as Arthur and Mordred grabbed Excalibur and Clarent.

Arthur: "I shall accompany you."

Mordred: "Ya ain't leavin' without me."

Y/n smiled and nodded as the two followed him outside. They saw that a few automatons had gathered up just ahead of them.

Y/n smirked as Mordred stepped up.

Mordred: "Shall we?"

Y/n chuckled before tracing both Excalibur and Clarent into his hands. He then shot forward and tore through the automatons with little to no effort before one tried to attack him from behind. Arthur then appeared behind it and slashed it apart.

Mordred then blasted some automatons away with her crimson lightning. The three tore through the group of automatons before Y/n's eyes flashed a bright blue.

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