chapter x - points

Start from the beginning

"it sounds like appendicitis, he needs surgery. but we don't have the stuff here."

"what are we going to do? i-i can't lose him, please doctor," she cries.

"hey, i need you to calm down. i think i have a plan but i can't do it if they figure out you're in here. we need to leave."

"how? how would we leave if-"

"i know. i'm thinking, please calm down, i can't save him if you're passed out too. please, just let me think."

she looks down, tears spilling out of her eyes.

"do you know of any back way out of here?" i ask as thoughts run through my head at incredible speed.

"there's an alleyway behind my building. if the guards aren't on duty we can sneak out, but where are we going?"

"somewhere better than this, i promise. we need to wait until tonight. is there any way you two can just stay in my room until i figure the rest of this out?"

"they don't do a headcount in that area, i'm pretty sure we'd be fine."

"alright, well i'm going to need you to act as if you know me and we're picking our kids up together, okay?"

"okay, i can do that," she says as she wipes her face, composing herself.

"we got this."

"we got this," she repeats.

after thirty minutes, we head out, chatting like old friends.

once i have mason and mila in my hands we continue our act until we're at my door, looking both ways, i see no one. "come on."

"why he sweep, aunt n/n?" mason asks pointing at luke.

"he's just tired sweetie, can you put your dinosaurs in your bag for me?"

"uhuh," he nods his head as he puts his toys up.

after we have all the kids distracted and luke on my bed, karina and i go to the bathroom to talk. "we're bringing them?" karina asks.

"yes, we are. i can't leave them, i know it's going to be hard but we have to try."

"what's the plan?"

"they have a shift change at about midnight," i relay the information i'd overheard from a guard, "that's when we'll leave, there's one truck that runs out there. but if we crank it, they're gonna be on our asses. we're just going to have to eyeball it, he can't wait."

"where are we going?"

"alexandria, they'll take care of you there. they don't make you work for points, you and you're son will be in good hands."

"what about you?"

"don't worry about me, let's focus on luke."

she smiles slightly before heading back to her son. i pack my pictures and enough stuff to get mia and mason through the night and the next day.

after a bit, we go to dinner but karina says they can't come. not enough points.

god, i hate these rules. they just aren't fair, he shouldn't have to suffer like this. he really doesn't have much time until infection sets in.

"i'm sorry i couldn't bring you anything back, i was being watched the entire time, but i promise you'll get some food when we get to alexandria."

"thank you, doctor, i know this is a very big risk. what's your name by the way?"

"call me y/n."

"thank you, y/n."

"of course, let's get stuff ready."

two hours later...

karina holds luke and a backpack while i hold mila's carrier and a sleeping mason on my shoulder.

"i'm going to leave mila with you and check out the hallways and clearings every time we get to one, i need you to stay silent and only come when i motion for you. when we get outside and i motion for you, run as fast as you can behind me," i whisper after shoving the knife in my jacket pocket.

"got it," she whispers back.

we make our way through two hallways before we're out of the building, i wait for the guards to go off duty before i signal for her. we sprint towards the gate, our footsteps only illuminated by the moonlight. luckily, no walkers are in our path and the truck is hidden behind some bushes. i'm almost hidden when i hear, "y/n? is that you?"

shit, it's a guard.

"i'm not going to hurt you, it's brandon. what's going on?"

i climb out from behind the bushes, "i have to save him, brandon. negan won't let me so we're leaving. please don't stop us," i plead.

"i won't, of course i won't. here, punch me so i'll have an excuse for letting you get away. hurry they'll be here soon."

"brandon i don't want to hurt you-"

"just do it. hurry y/n."

"i'm sorry," i say as i punch him, he ought to have a nice black eye coming in soon. "run, now!" i duck back behind the bushes, she reaches me, "that way," i point.

we pull the branches back and get into the truck, mila starts crying. "i'm sorry mila, i can't get you right now," i say as karina and i put the boys on both sides of her and strap them in. i climb in the drivers' seat and karina gets in beside me, "hey, could you get her pacifier out of the bag?"

"sure, here you go lovebug," she says as she puts the pacifier in her mouth, quieting mila.

i fumble for the knife and i carefully maneuver it inside of the ignition. the truck fires to life and i get us out of there as quickly as possible.

"holy shit, we did it," karina whispers.

"we did it, alexandria here we come."

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