"It Was a Cliff"

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"Attention." Isabella called out cheerfully to the children. "I have good news. A foster family chose Norman. I know it's sudden, but he'll be leaving tomorrow night."

At that, Sherry dropped her bowls and let out a shocked scream. All of the other kids looked shocked as well.

"That soon?"


"This is great, Norman!"

"Is this goodbye?" Phil asked.

"But why..." Lannion looked shocked. "...so sudden?"

Thoma put an arm around his brother. "We're going to miss him, aren't we?"

Lannion looked at Thoma and weakly nodded his head.

Norman kneeled down in front of his beloved siblings, smiling softly as they gave him congrats.


"Let's play a bunch before you go!"

"I'll miss you!"

Norman smiled gently at the little kids surrounding him. Some looked happy while others looked sad that he was leaving. Hearing someone sniffling, Norman looked up to see Sherry bawling her eyes out. "I'm happy for you!" she sobbed, tears rolling down her face. "Congratulations, Norman!"

Norman smiled sweetly at Sherry and pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm going to miss you all so much..."

Isabella looked over at Ray and Emma, who were glaring at her. She turned away with a smile, and Ray gritted his teeth. Emma looked horrified, and Don shared the same expression. So did Gilda.

"Now," Isabella said, walking past the four. "Let's eat dinner before it gets cold."

While the other kids ate, Ray himself took a plate up to the infirmary, where Penny sat patiently, reading a book that he bought for her earlier. He set the plate on the table next to her bed and gave her a smile, which she returned. She picked up her utensils and started eating while Ray sat down next to the girl, pulling out a book. 

 Ray looked up from his book at Penny, watching her dig through her meal hungrily. After a moment, Penny slowly stopped, and Ray glanced at her. "What's wrong?"

"Will....will the plan work?" She mumbled.

Ray sighed, and grabbed one of her hands and looking at the ten year old determinedly. "It will work. It has to. He'll disappear tomorrow and we'll provide him with enough food until our escape. Don't worry, it will work."

Penny smiled weakly at him. "I hope you're right..."

It was a morning like all others.

They ate, and took our tests.

They were at a happy orphanage. Playing their usual outdoor games like tag, catch, etc, etc....

Everything was the same as always. All of Penny's siblings, Mom, and the older kids...Ray, Emma, Norman, Don, Penny, and Gilda.

And then...

....Norman disappeared.

Penny sat next to Ray anxiously, her crutches at her side. She glanced at Emma who shared the same anxious look.

Ray placed a tender hand on Penny's shoulder, causing the girl to look at him. "Don't worry. It'll work out."

She smiled softly in return, though it was weak.

Emma smiled softly at the two and glanced towards the direction to the wall. "Norman..."

Norman ran as fast as he could, over the fence and up to the wall, the rope Gilda presented him earlier in his hand. He dug into his pocket and pulled out the device to break the trackers, pressing a button to make sure it worked. He grinned and climbed a tree, securing the rope tightly around it, making sure it was secure. He hopped down and tugged the lower rope a couple of times, and once he felt it was safe enough, the boy started running up the wall. He kept running until he reached the ledge, grabbing it. He grunted as he dangled on the other side, but quickly pulled himself up.

Lullaby: Ray x OC (The Promised Neverland)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora