Joining Forces

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"You know, I feel better now that we told them the truth." Emma said as she, Penny, and Norman hung up the clothes on the clothes lines the next day.

"Me, too." Penny smiled, picking up a white cloth. "It feels as though a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders."

Norman nodded, his eyes never leaving the sheet he was hanging. "One week until we escape..." he muttered. "The preparations are going well. do we get out with all of our siblings?"

"I've been worried about that myself." Penny said, turning to the two, clutching the white sheet in her hands. "What now?"

Emma smiled determinedly. "Oh, yeah! I should probably tell you two."

"What is it?" Penny said. "The look on your face tells me you have an idea."

"I sure do!" Emma grinned. "And I think it's a great way...a way we can use to escape with everyone!"

Norman and Penny turned to Emma and listened to the whole thing. When she was done, she glanced at the two with an anxious look. "Is it...reckless?"

Norman sighed. "I'm afraid so..."

"The very thought makes me feel sick..." Penny muttered, hugging herself. "I mean, who knows if this would work...I'm with Norman on this plan being reckless."

Emma narrowed her eyes. "Norman, Penny, we can catch Mom off guard with this plan! It's the only way to actually escape with everyone!"

Penny winced. "I'm still not fully trusting this plan..." she glanced at Norman. "What do you think about it, Norman?"

Norman thought for a moment, and glanced at Emma with a smile. Penny's eyes widened. "Wait. Seriously?!"

The two smiled at her reassuringly, and Penny sighed in defeat. "Okay, if you say so..." she turned her attention back to the laundry, picking up another sheet. "What would Ray say? Should we tell him?"

Norman shook his head as he hung up another shirt. "No."

"Do you think he would really escape with all of us?" Emma asked.

Norman nodded, bending down to the basket of clothes and picking up a clothes hanger and a shirt. "Of course he would," he murmured, hanging the shirt on the rack. "Everything Ray has done up to this point has been for our sake. All of it. For you, Penny, even me and Emma..." he whispered the last part.

"Huh?" Penny asked. "Could you repeat that?"

Norman chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Nothing."

Penny humphed, crossing her arms. "It was something."

Norman chuckled and turned to the girls with a slightly serious expression. "Anyway, don't worry, I'll bring it up to Ray soon."

After the chores were done, Norman calmly walked towards their bedroom and up to Ray's bed, shifting the furniture to the side and crawling to a spot behind Ray's bed. He carefully took the boards off and put them aside, and his eyes widened at what he found.

"All of this..." he murmured, remembering what Ray said. "Just to make sure you don't die..."

The white haired boy smiled, closing his eyes. "I see. Amazing, Ray."

He pulled everything back into its normal position and walked downstairs, meeting Don and Gilda along the way. Don smiled as he held certain tools out to Norman. "I stole those things you wanted, Norman." Don said, putting them in Norman's hands. "Some detergent and herbicide." He glanced at Norman curiously. "What are you going to use these for?"

Lullaby: Ray x OC (The Promised Neverland)Where stories live. Discover now