Last Day

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"Come get us, Norman!" Don yelled from their hiding spot. "We'll outrun you this time for sure! Right, Connie?"

"Don, that's gonna notify him that we're here!" Penny hissed at him.

"Oh, sorry." Don chuckled sheepishly.

Penny glanced at Connie, who was smiling at the two. "Don? Penny? Thanks for always being there to help me."

"Aww, Conn-"

"Nah, you don't have to thank me!" Don grinned, running up to her. "I'll always help you. Any time, anywhere you need me!"

Connie giggled, and placed her finger to her lips. "Shh!"

Don and Penny quickly covered their mouths. Don glanced down at the ground to see Norman's footprints, and he grinned widely. "Judging from the size of these footprints..." He snickered. "You let your guard down, Norman!"

"Uh, Don..." Penny snickered, pulling at his sleeve. Don turned around and yelped in shock to see Norman smiling at the three.

"No, Don, you did," Norman smiled. He walked up to him. "I tell you this every time...your weakness is that you make a judgement too quickly. And then, loose your cool." He chuckled and walked up to Penny. "Your weakness is that you love your siblings."

"So what?" Penny humphed.

Norman chuckled and ran off.

Don sighed.

When Penny, Don, and Connie made it back to the group, Don's eyes widened. "He got everyone?!"

"That happens when Norman's it." One of the boys grinned.

"There's only one survivor left!" Anna grinned at Gilda.

"Yeah!" Gilda grinned back. "Emma's still going!"


Emma huffed as she ran through the woods. Something caught her eyes and she turned her attention to her pursuer, smiling.

Norman smiled back in between huffs. Emma jumped over a small cliff. Norman stopped at the cliff, and decided to walk. He glanced around a clearing, looking around.

Emma snickered to herself quietly as she watched him from her well-planned hideout: a tree.

Norman took a few steps, and then tripped.

Emma gasped. She hopped down from her hiding place and ran to check up on him. "NORMAN!"

Norman snickered and turned to her. "Just pretending."

"WHAT?!" Emma cried. "You had me worried about you!"

Norman turned to Emma with a smile. "Emma, your weakness is that you're too nice."


"I CAN'T BELIEVE HE CAUGHT ME AGAIN!!" Emma wailed as she had a small temper tantrum on the grass next to Norman, Ray, and Penny. "Why do I keep loosing?! It's so frustrating!"


Emma, Penny, and Norman glanced at Ray, who looked up from his book. "What's Norman good at that you're not?"

Emma hummed thoughtfully. "Planning ahead? And staying calm? I guess he's also good at being smart..."

"It's strategy."

Emma and Penny turned to Ray.

"Just think." Ray said, closing his book. "If it's about simple physical ability, then you have the upper hand. But it's more than that." Ray pointed to his head. "Norman has brains. Like no other. And tag is a game where you compete with strategy."

Lullaby: Ray x OC (The Promised Neverland)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora