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Don and Gilda stared in horror as they watched the door open up in front of them. A little kid's giggle was heard, and they looked down to see, much to their relief, Phil waddling in the room, shutting the door behind them.

"Phil-" Don began, his heart pounding.

"Shh!" Phil turned to them, grinning and putting his finger to his mouth. "I'm playing hide-and-seek with Nyla and Eugene!"

Don slumped, sighing in relief, his heart pounding. Gilda shared the same expression. "Oh, I see."


"So...." Norman began.

"The next thing we look at is..." Emma added.

"Outside." Ray, Norman, Emma, and Penny said in sync.

"So how do we plan this part?" Penny asked, resting on the bed.

"We already got lots of stuff done on the inside." Ray responded.

Norman crossed his arms. "Training's going well, the trackers can be broken."

"Which leaves...." Penny began.

"Learning about the outside and outsmarting the adults." Ray muttered, taking a seat next to Penny on the bed. "Once that's done, we can clear the wall for sure."

"Clear the wall..." Penny muttered, feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of this planning.

"Next is checking out the escape route." Emma said.

"The escape we planned out consists of three steps." Norman said, walking as he spoke. "One. We ascend the wall. Two: We get away as far away as we can. Three: We learn how to survive and become self pelerine." He stopped walking. "We have everything we need to pass the first step. As for the second..." he walked towards the window and glanced outside. "The outside is key. When we leave, we should run as far as we can. So let's examine and prepare."

"We need info about the area outside." Ray pointed out.

"When I climbed up a tree, I saw a big forest!" Emma volunteered.

Ray nodded. "Okay, but we've gotta confirm stuff like that."

"Let's look into it starting tomorrow." Norman said.

"Oh, yeah, Emma, don't forget we have one important thing we should mention!" Penny suddenly said, giving Emma an excited look. "Let's show them the books!"

"Great idea, Penny!" Emma said. "I almost forgot about that. You guys, Penny and I have someone we want you to meet!"

Norman and Ray glanced at Emma and Penny curiously.

Don waited silently in a corner of the house, waiting for Isabella to walk closer. He ran off, "accidentally" bumping into her.

Isabella let out a startled grunt of surprise, turning to Don. Don grinned at her. "Oh, sorry, I'm in a hurry!"

The boy turned heal and ran off.

"Hey, Mom!" Mark cried. "Down here!"

Isabella turned to Mark and Sherry with a smile.

Don ran as fast as he could back to Gilda, who was waiting anxiously at her corner. He grinned at her, opening the palm of his hand. "Look, I actually did it!"

Gilda's eyes widened, and she looked up at Don's face, which held a vicious smirk.

Emma grunted as she rummaged through the books. "The person Penny and I want to introduce is..." she opened up a book cover and pointed to an owl stamp in the cover. "Right here!"

Lullaby: Ray x OC (The Promised Neverland)Where stories live. Discover now