Chapter 18: Apologizing

Start from the beginning

I hear steps come walking towards the living room. Peeta enters the room and find me sitting in the couch.

"Oh hey", he says.

"Hi", I say. "You're early".

"Haymitch decided he wanted to go out and drink, not really my thing so I came home", Peeta says shrugging.

He sits down in the couch.

"What kind of manager is he?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"I know what you think, he's an alcoholic and my manager, but he's actually a good manager", Peeta says. "Kinda".

I smile and frown at the same time.

"Hey is that my script?" Peeta says, when he sees the orange highlights in the script.

"Oh yeah, I hope you don't mind I borrowed it, I haven't really read through it yet and yours was here when I got totally board out of my mind", I say.

He smiles.

"Of course not", he says gently.

But something in his eyes says that something is wrong. Hm. Oh well.

I put the script on the table and pick up my bottle of water.

Say it!

How would I start? I'm really not good at these things. I don't know how to say stuff like this. I don't know anything about it.

"Peeta", I say and he looks up at me. "I'm sorry".

He frowns and looks at me. He gives me a confused look. As if he doesn't know what I'm talking about.


"Yeah you know for pushing you down the stairs, locking you into that closet, trying to feed you pineapple", I say, feeling more ashamed. "Ramming my book and throwing my phone in your head".

"Giving me a black eye", Peeta smiles.

"Okay that one wasn't on purpose", I say still feeling ashamed. "And neither was that car incident, you just appeared from no where and ... Yeah, anyways I'm really sorry".

"It's okay, no hard feelings", he says

"Well you should be hating me, I was really horrible to you", I say. "I don't know what got to me, but I've always been pretty defensive I guess, the rest of the group have learned to deal with it I guess".

"Some particular reason you're so defensive?"


"Yeah well let's just say that my life hasn't been all that easy", I say.

Something dies in Peeta's eyes. He seems to be traveling to another world. It seems like he doesn't even know I'm still sitting here in the couch beside him.

I carefully put my hand over Peeta's hand back. I gasp when I feel how cold it is. This is when I see how pale he's gotten. No trace of color at all in his face. Pale and cold.

"Hey Peeta are you all right?" I ask.

"Huh?" Peeta jerks.

"Are you all right?" I ask. "You kinda disappeared and you're really cold, are you sick?"

"Um no", he says but stands up and picks up his script. "But I think I'll probably go to my room and lay down".

I nod. Peeta turns his back towards me as he starts walking towards the staircase.

"Hey Peeta?" I ask and lean over the back of the couch.

He stops and turns around. A little bit of color has started to appear in his face again. He's still pale, but not as pale as just now when he sat in the couch.


"I'm curious", I say. "What's your middle name?"

At first he looks confused, but he glances at the script and starts smiling. It feels like I can literary see the color return to his face as he looks at me.

"Jamie", he says before he turns around again and walks up the stairs.

I turn around and sit back down smiling to myself, taking a sip of my water. My first information about Peeta. Jamie.


✍🏻1366 words✍🏻

Hey guys, I hope you liked the chapter.

So Katniss apologized. FINALLY! Right?!

What made Peeta doze off like that? And Katniss got her first information about Peeta!

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-Josephine xx

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