Chapter 16 Food Fight

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Chapter 16

The whole morning during class, I avoided making eye contact with them. It was embarrassing and awkward at the same time. Luckily, they didn't bother to talk to me. I guess it was because of their promise not to speak to me unless I initiate the conversation. And I can't say that I am not happy about that.

When lunch came, I was afraid to go out and eat at my spot under the tree in fear that they would be there. So instead, I went to eat at the cafeteria at my reserved table. I, of course, brought my own lunch with me. After the soup thing on the first day, I don't trust the cafeteria for edible foods anymore.

As usual, I was alone at my table as I silently and slowly ate my lunch, chicken sandwich, and an apple.

I heard a crash and I immediately looked up to see where the noise was coming from. It was coming from the nerds' table. Apparently, there was a commotion going on as a group of jock guys stood by their table and were laughing. They were laughing at one of the male nerds in the group who had a bowl of something on top of his head. The weird something from the bowl - I don't know what it is or if it is even edible - dripped down the boy's face and onto his checkered polo.

"And that's what happens when you don't make my physics report, nerd." Said one of the jocks as he knocked the bowl off the nerds head. The jocks continued to laugh and tormented the other nerds on the table.

I huffed and rolled my eyes at the scene. On usual occasions, I would have intervened just for fun, but since I wasn't in the mood for such, I just went back to my business and finished my food. Seriously, you'd think that kind of scene happens only in movies, but nooo, even mean girls exist. I don't know what's happening to Waynard High but there sure is a lot of drama here in the school cafeteria. It sure is pretty annoying.

Do you think it's too late to transfer schools?

There was a screech and a crash as a chair fell on the floor. When I look up, I saw one of the nerds - a guy with shaggy brown hair and silver eyes - looking pissed as he got off of his seat. One of the jock stepped in front and looked at the nerd with a smirk on his face. It was Tyler. "Look, guys. I think we might have pissed him off." Mocked Tyler as his friends laughed.

"Please leave." Said the nerd.

"Oh no, I think he's gonna cry and tell his mommy." Tyler pinched the nerd's cheek and pushed him back. The nerd faltered but he was able to recover by leaning on the table.

"Enough, Tyler." Nerd said, looking at Tyler straight in the eye. I have to give it to him, that was a pretty bold move. "You've been tormenting us for years! Haven't you had enough?!"

Tyler grinned and pulled the nerd by the collar. "Nope. Things are just about to get real." It all happened too fast. Just as Tyler pulled his fist back for a punch, the nerd acted fast and grabbed the nearest tray and threw it at Tyler. There was a clatter as the tray fell on the floor and all its contents now on Tyler.

There was a dead silence that followed that you could even hear a pencil falling on the floor. They were starring wide eye and nervously at the groups on the nerd table, anticipating what would happen next. I, on the other hand, found myself grinning in amusement at what I have just seen.

Cool!! Real-life action! I take it back. I love this school and I was so stupid for even thinking of transferring.

"Now," The nerd panted. "You know what it feels like to have someone's food thrown at you." As soon as he said it, only one thing came to my mind. The thing dripping from the other nerd's head is food? I thought it was goo.

"Yes." Agreed Tyler, as he wiped some of the goo off of his face. "And now you'll feel what it feels like to get beaten up." The next thing that happened was so awesome that I wanted to laugh out loud and clap my hands in amusement as the jocks started to attack the nerds, but the nerds threw their food at them. Some hit the jocks, but the others have a bad aim that it hit the other tables. Soon, there was a full-on food fight in the cafeteria, and foods were flying in different direction.

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