Chapter 7 Birth Of Felisha

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Chapter 7 

"Hey, honey. Why are you home so early?" My mom immediately asked me once I got home.

"Nothing. Just tired and not in the mood for school."

"Are you alright?" She asked me worriedly.

I nodded. "Nothing like a good bed rest can't fix." I gave her a small smile and let her place the back of her palm on my forehead.

She tsked. "I'll take that excuse for today, but you better not be doing that regularly, okay? You have to keep your grades up for college."

I smiled. "Of course. Can't wait for college after all." And be done with this drama. "I'm going to my room, okay?" I said as I kissed her on the cheek before heading up.

"Oh wait."

I stopped walking and turned to her. "Yes, mom?"

"Um...It's not really that important, but we have a photoshoot for today. I was just thinking if you would mind modeling a few clothes for us? Don't worry. The same rules apply. Minimal face appearance." The look on my mom's face whenever she would ask me to model her clothes was like a spell. You can never say no to her. And I know that whenever I model her clothes, it always makes her happy. I gave her a full smile and nodded.

"Sure. I'll be there. Just be sure to wake me up so I won't oversleep."

My mom then clapped her hands in excitement. "Oh yes, I will! Thank you! I'm sure you will love this!!"

I chuckled at her squeals and headed to my room. Once I got there, I didn't even bother to change out of my uniform as I laid down on my bed.

It was already 4:30 PM and we are in the studio for the photoshoot. I was in the makeup room and things were pretty hectic around here. Staffs would go running around with clothes in their hands and shouting at one another. Apparently, I was going to shoot with a bunch of famous people again.

I don't know who they are but they seem pretty big judging by how the staffs are working hard to clean things up and transferring them to another room where the 'guests' are probably getting ready.

"Okay, Hailey. Sit here and I will do your make-up." I looked up and grinned at the lady who spoke. It was Kaila, my makeup artist. She's about 24 years old. Whenever I come here for my photoshoot, she was always the one who took care of me. We have become very close through the years of her working for my mom that she knows my secret.

My cool girl reputation of Waynard High.

I followed her and sat at the chair that she pulled out for me. "So.....what is the fuzz all about?" I asked her and gestured towards the staffs.

She followed my hand and let out a laugh. "Just some well-known people coming here today to join you in your photoshoot. I have to say that your mom overdid herself this time by calling them here." She said and called an assistant due to my hair.

"Who are they?"

She got a brush and started to put a foundation on my face. "Hmmm......I could tell you, but I was given strict orders from your mom not to say anything. She wanted you to see them for yourself."

I rolled my eyes and was scolded by Kaila. "Don't roll your eyes. Can't you see I'm trying to make you look pretty?"

I laughed at her. "Well okay then. But can you at least give me some clue?"

"Hmmmmm......" She started to put powder on my face. "They're pretty cute." Then she started to put blush on my face. "And they're just about your age."

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