Chapter 14 To Get The Sponsors

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Chapter 14

My dad closed the restaurant early today so that he and I can go home together. We talked on the way about things that happened earlier at the restaurant. We laughed and joked about the customers and our work.

I actually enjoyed the ride home considering that I don't always hang out with my dad this much because of his busy schedule.

As soon as we got home, we found mom and Kaila on the couch talking in hushed voices. When they saw us, they both got to their feet. Mom beamed and came to hug me before she went to dad kissed him on the cheek.

Not wanting to see more of their PDA, I went and sit on the couch with Kaila. You'd think that 20 years of marriage will help cease the lovey-dovey affection of my mom and dad with each other but no. They're still had over heels for each other.

I looked at Kaila and scrunched my face at her. She laughed and turned to face the television. My mom and dad headed for the kitchen to make us dinner. Even though we were in the living room and with the television going on, I could still hear the sizzling of something being cooked from the kitchen.

Not to mention smell the aroma of something being cooked.

After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, dinner was finally served and we all went to the dining room to eat.

"So," Started my dad as he slices a piece of meat from his place before popping it into his mouth. "How'd the meeting go? I suspect that you got the sponsor?"

I nearly choked on my own meal after remembering how I ditched mom and went to dad. I suddenly felt guilty and looked up from my plate to my mom. Well, it couldn't be helped that my phone rang at the most inconvenient time after all.

Thanks to a certain someone.

At the mention of the meeting, both my mom and Kaila became quiet. Kaila turned to my mom before she spoke for her. "It was alright." She said then turned her attention back to her plate, not giving us any detail of what really happened at the meeting.

From the looks of it, the meeting didn't go well. Dad must have sensed this too because he didn't press on the issue any longer.

"The Pandorgriffs just released their new album and it already sold 20 million copies!!" I turned my attention to the television. It showed a video of one of The Pandergrofs's music videos as the reporter continued to report. "These teenage girl and boy band are getting more and more-" The television suddenly turned off.

I turned to see mom up from her seat with the remote in her hand. Her expression was unreadable as she looked at the now black screen of the tv.

"Mom?" I asked her.

She silently took her seat once again and resumed eating. After what she did just now, I figured that it must be serious and I am worried for her. "Mom." I called her again. This time she looked at me and a small-forced smile. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "You're acting weird. Please tell us."

She just stared at me as if she was contemplating whether to tell us.

"Are you mad at me that I ditched earlier? Mom, I'm sorry-"

Mom shook her head. "No, honey. It's not your fault." She shook her head and massaged her temples. "It's just a problem at work." She looked so stressed out that I felt sorry for her. The urge to help her suddenly came.

Dad suddenly reached out and held her hand in his. "What is it, love? You know you can tell us. Hailey and I will help you. You know that." Dad looked extremely worried as he gazed into Mom's eyes.

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