The other uniformed young man stepped forward obediently.  “Yes, sire?” he questioned.

Adonis gestured to Aryanna. “Do you recognize her?” he asked, watching Aryanna’s face closely. James turned a blank face towards her. Aryanna saw that he was completely not there. There was no acting involved in his blank face. 

“No sir, but she is not one of us is she?” he asked in a dull voice. 

“No she is not,” Adonis said. 

Aryanna’s face fell. She had been hoping that James would have held out, or when seeing her he would have had at least a flicker of memory. There was nothing of the sort in his gaze. Just a cool look down as he took her in. 

“James?” she whispered, her voice catching. He just looked at her blankly, then back to Adonis. 

“What are your orders, sir? Concerning this girl? Is she to be given her first dose and numbered among the thousands?” 10789 asked.

“No, she is not joining our great cause,” Adonis said firmly. 10789 said nothing, no emotion flickered over his face. He just waited. 

“You are you execute her,” Adonis said.  

10789 bowed and moved towards Aryanna. “Here, sire?” 10789 asked. 

“Yes, any way you prefer,” Adonis said mildly.

10789 drew his sword and stepped close to Aryanna. He stopped only two feet away from her. 

“James, don’t do this,” Aryanna said softly. 

10789 hesitated a moment. Something was flickering in his mind, something that was drawn up from her words. 

“Now 10789!” Adonis snapped. 

10789 drew back his sword, but a frown creased his forehead. It wasn’t time for a dose, he didn’t know why he was having these memories, little pieces of memories. He continued moving his sword up. 

“Don’t take her last relative from Kalya,” Aryanna said. 

10789 hesitated at that name. 

“10789, execute her,” Adonis said, standing at his desk.  

10789 ignored him, just stood there, sword up raised, staring at Aryanna. 

“You remember her don’t you?” Aryanna said softly. 

10789 shook his head and brought his sword to it’s height, he swung down. Aryanna tensed herself, readying herself for the blow. 

Finley lunged and blocked the sword cut with one of his own. 10789 recovered from his surprise and backed up a step. 

“Now would be good,” he said, glancing over at Sheridan. 

“What is going on? Soldiers, stand down!” Adonis shouted. Sheridan attacked the soldier with the keys to the  chains on Aryanna. He fought with the man for a while before knocking him to the ground and hitting him across the head. Finley was still battling with James. 

Sheridan found the keys and unlocked the manacles around Aryanna’s wrists and ankles. She jumped out of the chair. 

“Finley! Don’t kill him!” She shouted as Finley was swinging it down at him. Finley adjusted his stroke and hit James in the temple with his hilt. 

Sheridan stopped Adonis as he was trying to leave through a different door. 

“Let’s go!” Finley shouted. 

“What do I do with this one?” Sheridan asked, his eyes not leaving Adonis. 

“Kill him,” Finley said flatly as Aryanna helped him hoist James over his shoulder. Sheridan glanced back at Finley. Adonis took it as an opportunity to duck out the door. 

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