Prologue: Ancient Rivals

Start from the beginning

Unlike most Pterosaurs who mainly preyed on fish, Azhdarchids like Quetzalcoatlus actually have a tendency to hunt down dinosaurs like Hadrosaurs. They use their beaks in order to pierce through their prey.

On the other side of the lake were the armored dinosaurs known as Ankylosaurus, they were 8 feet tall and 30 feet long, their name translates to 'fused lizard' and they are well known for their armored bodies.

The top part of their bodies are filled with armor to protect them against predators, but they also have a weapon that can be used for self defense.

A bony club at the end of their tails. One whack from those will break bones apart on impact. It's why most predators stay away from them unless they are really desperate.

On the other side of the island was a canyon that housed a lot of Pterosaurs but these ones were even smaller than Pteranodons.

They were Dimorphodons, they were 2 feet tall and had a wingspan of 5 feet, their name translates to 'two-form tooth' they mostly preyed on very small fish and bugs.

One of them flies over to one of the walls around the canyon and it lands on the wall, it then started to pick at the small holes in the wall, trying to find some bugs to feed on.

It then finally gets one when it bites on a small beetle, it then crushes it into its mouth and lets go of the wall and begins flying off again.

On the other side of the island in a cave, a Maiasaura mother had left her nest unguarded, and that gives small predators an opportunity to feast on her unsuspecting nest.

A small feathered dinosaur then walks in on the nest. It was mostly a scavenger and wasn't really known to hunt anything because of it's toothless mouth.

It was an Oviraptor, it was 3 feet tall and 8 feet long, it's name means 'egg stealer' mostly because it's known to take unhatched eggs and eat them.

This one is quite a daring one considering this nest belongs to one of the most protective mothers on the island.

It then takes one of the eggs out and starts to peck at it with it's mouth, it then cracks it open but just as it was about to feast on the egg.

"You pests just don't know when to leave don't you?!" The angry mother Maiasaura came back, and she didn't appreciate the fact that this small dinosaur snuck into her cave and presumedly ate one of her unborn offspring.

Maiasaura was a very common Hadrosaur on this island, it was 8 feet tall and 30 feet long like the Ankylosaurus, it's name translates to 'good mother lizard' and they don't take kindly to dinosaurs who threaten their children.

The Oviraptor stumbled and ran away trying to leave the cave, even if it could eat the broken egg, it would still have to deal with the angry mother and it is not taking that risk.

It almost reaches the exit, before being confronted by the male, who was the mate of the mother that owned the nest.

The male bellowed at the egg stealer, he knows how numerous these pests are and he already knew that it must have eaten one of the eggs and he isn't going to let it get away with this.

The Oviraptor tried to scurry away but the male pinned it down by crushing it's tail.

The female then ran over to her mate and saw the Oviraptor being pinned down. She had to avenge her unborn child and she's not going to let any more of these pests get away because if they do then they'll breed, and if they breed they're going to create even more pests that they have to deal with.

The female reared up on her back legs, and immediately crushed the Oviraptor using her front legs.

The egg stealer was dead, but so was the unborn fetus that would have been their child, the pair then walked towards the nest and they stared at the broken egg.

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