This Heart Of Fire Is Burning Proud

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Chapter 27: This Heart Of Fire Is Burning Proud

 "If I die in this godforsaken hellhole I'm taking you out with me you piece of shit! You deserve to burn far more than I do!"

Lex frees himself from her grip and tosses her across the room like a ragdoll. I move quickly to catch her and she quietly thanks me before telling me to leave. I'm not leaving her behind. I'm not stupid. Before I can stop her, she steals a dagger from me and lunges toward her brother. I come to help her but I'm tackled to the floor again. This is getting really, really old. They're men from the main room so I hope Mitsuhide isn't dead. I flip one up over my head so I can get to my feet and fight. It's hard to focus on them when I can hear Loxley fighting just a few feet away. Her scream makes me falter my swing and it earns me a sword to the stomach. I'll be feeling that for a while... I draw another one and slit the man's throat.

It doesn't take long for me to get rid of the others and I turn my attention back to Lex and Loxley. She's holding her own still, but barely. I don't know what happened to the dagger she had, but the fire is spreading even quicker and the ceiling is cracking now. I have to get her out of here.

"Obi! Get the others and get out of here!" She calls out as she dodges his punch and lunges at him.

"I'm not leaving without you."

"Don't be fucking stupid, Obi! This fight is between family. He's my brother and he deserves to die. If I have to die with him in order to make sure he can't hurt Melione or anyone else ever again, then so be it."

"You two are just precious." Lex sneers as he grabs her by the throat. "My darling little sister fell in love and now she wants to be a hero, but guess what, Sister? I feel the same way. You're not getting out of here alive!"

I'm out of daggers so I run toward him as he throws her into the fire.


I can hear her screaming and what sounds like other voices. Lex swings at me but I dodge it and make my way into the flames. I have to find her. I have to get her out. I'm not going to let her die like this! She can't die like this!

"Loxley!" I call out as I try to track her screams. Since the walls don't exist anymore, I can't tell how far away she could be.

"Obi? Where are you?"

"Hide! I need your help!" I yell back.

He reaches me a few seconds later and I tell him to find Loxley. It seems as if the fire is dying out from where it started, but everything is scalding and the structure is barely standing. Her screaming stops suddenly and my heart stops as well. No... Please, no... I reach the end of the flames and begin to tear apart the rubble in search of her. I didn't find her in the fire and there's no way she could have just burned up completely in that amount of time. She can't be in the flames... She can't be.

"Obi! Obi! You have to stop, she's not in there!"

"Shut up Hide, she has to be here! I have to save her!" I shrug his hand off my shoulder and continue to dig despite my hands and legs hurting so badly.

"Obi! Stop it you idiot, I found her!"

"Is she-?" I ask quietly as I stop digging and stare at my soot covered hands.

"She's alive, but barely. We have to get back to Squirrel and Rabbit and get Loxley to Sobynne."

I get to my feet and find him holding her carefully. Her clothing is burned in several places and I can see several burns ranging from light pink to what I can only imagine to be unbearably painful.

"Go on ahead, get her to Sobynne. I made a deal with Squirrel to protect Rabbit as well, I'll go back to them."

"No, you take her, you're faster. I'll make sure they get out safely."

I nod and take her from him and tell him to be careful, and for him to bring them to Sobynne's once Lex is dead. I make it a few steps away before a loud crack fills the air and the beams crash down on top of him.


"I'm okay! Go, Obi, I'll find a way to get myself out, but she doesn't have much time."


"I said go! I know you don't listen to me any other time but listen to me just this once and go! I'll be alright."

"You better not die or I'll kill you myself."

I make it through the dying fire again to find a young blond man that I figure to be Squirrel trying desperately to pull a frantic Rabbit off of Lex's corpse as she continues to scream and stab him while sobbing. At least I know Lex is gone and she got what she wanted. Squirrel looks up at me before focusing on Loxley's body in my arms.

"I have to get her to a healer now. Mitsuhide is trapped under beams back there. Get him out and he is going to bring you to the healer. It's a safe space and you can get her looked at as well."

"Will do."

"Honestly, since he's dead, you may as well let her get it out. I don't think she'll be going anywhere any time soon."

I leave them behind and hurry through the trees toward Sobynne's. The stupid healer is going to kill me for all of this mess but Lex is dead and now two women don't have to live their lives in fear of him anymore. Given the type of man he was, there's a good chance there are many others that will be free of him too. All the pain I'm in is worth it... 

Playing With Fire *COMPLETE* (Obi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now