I Wouldn't Take Back A Moment

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Chapter 5: I Wouldn't Take Back A Moment

 Once everyone is settled in, I climb out through one of the windows and settle on the roof's peak. I can keep an eye on the clearing. There's a hint of smoke in the air, not far from the entrance of the cave leading to the cottage, but not a large fire. I debate on leaving to check it out, but I think I've had my fill of dealing with Loxley for the day. I lie back and look out at the stars. This place is rather nice and secluded. I should hide away here more often. I run a hand through my hair and sigh before closing my eyes. Being off the castle grounds brings me so much peace... but the overwhelming urge to be free again always makes it incredibly hard to return. Right now, everything in my body is screaming on me to slip down from the roof, go through the tunnel, and never return. I know that if I ever did leave, Master would send people out for me. It wouldn't be a concern, but I feel it would quickly grow old. Knowing him, he'd likely come after me himself and I'd rather not kill him or the others. They've done nothing to harm me.

I peek one eye open as a very faint, almost inaudible thud sounds on the roof nearby. It's Loxley, of course, but something's different. Her whole body is trembling violently and I can smell blood. The loyal to the castle and mind-my-own-business side of me wants to simply ignore her but there's a part of me yelling at the rest of me to at least ask if she's alright. I mean, there's not much chance that I could do anything for her beyond putting her out of her misery if she wanted it.

"Hey arsonist, you alright over there?" I ask quietly and hear her curse as she startles.

"I'm not an arsonist... and I'm fine."

"Keep telling yourself that." I mumble under my breath before closing my eye again. "If you are going to die a rather bloody and gross death though, could you do it elsewhere? This place is rather nice."

"You really are quite an ass, aren't you?"

"Considering the lifestyle, you have to be or else you're just some bleeding heart wannabe getting murdered because you didn't kill them first." I shrug. "So, was it a random or the person you're working for?"


"The person who attacked you, was it a random person or was it the person you are working for?" I repeat as I peek over at her.

Loxley at some point stripped off her over-sized black shirt and settled on the roof a safe distance away and is currently stitching closed a rather nasty gash across her stomach. Doing patch jobs like that never feels good. I commend her for not flinching especially with how thin she is, but I can tell how clenched her jaw is a she bites down on the end of her match stick.

"Fine, since you won't answer that," I break the silence. "tell me why you came here when you knew we were here? It's not as if we're exactly friends and we were just trying to kill each other like two hours ago."

"Shut up, Stupid." She hisses in response and even in the moonlight I can see the slight color rising to her cheeks.

"Ever the conversationalist, aren't you?" I chuckle. "How about this? I start talking and you stop me if I'm wrong? You were approached by your 'employer', for lack of a better term, and they were mad at you failing so far on the assassination of the prince. To 'help you along' they showed you what would happen if you don't succeed in time. You came here for safety because despite the danger of being around me you feel safer."

She doesn't answer me but the poorly concealed expression on her face says it all. I'm right. I can't hide the smirk that tugs at my lips.

"Poor decision, really. Your only saving grace right now is the fact that I'm relaxing tonight."

"You're a complete idiot."

I lazily lift my hand to catch the needle and sigh. "Oh yeah, what does that make you then? Why attack the person you're entrusting your safety in? You're not exactly in the condition to be fighting and I guarantee if I send you through that tunnel you wouldn't survive five minutes."

"If I were in better shape I would kill you immediately. As it stands, you're potentially the only one that can keep me safe from him. So, I am willing to call a temporary truce. I won't go after my target tonight if you don't come after me or have me captured while I rest. I don't trust your word as far as I could throw you but it's really my only option." She admits quietly.

"Dealing with you since yesterday has exhausted me enough. Our truce ends once one or the other of us leaves that tunnel. If you break your end of the deal, I won't hesitate to kill you."

"Same for you."

I watch as she carefully moves to lay down and covers herself with her overshirt.

"If you fear him so badly, why do you work for him? You could simply hide away for a while."

"Things aren't always black and white, Obi. Now shut up. I'm tired."

"You're such a ray of sunshine."

She flips me off after moving her match from her mouth to behind her ear.

"Hey Loxley?"

"Oh dear God what?" She huffs.

"If you're not an arsonist why do you carry around a match all the time?"

"That's none of your concern."

"You were honest a few minutes ago." I shrug and she sighs in response.

"I keep it as a reminder that if I could survive the fire... I can survive most anything..."

Playing With Fire *COMPLETE* (Obi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now