I Am Every Dream You Lost And Never Found

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Chapter 20: I Am Every Dream You Lost And Never Found

Tracking Lex is going to be a bit of a struggle. The only thing I know of to possibly point me in the right direction is studying the clearing where Mitsuhide lost track of him. If I can find traces of his path there, I can follow it onward but that's a really old pathing if it's still there. If Loxley had been more open to the idea, we might have been able to get a base location from her but she's so against it that she wouldn't have helped me if I'd asked.

"I have my doubts on the success of this." Mitsuhide mumbles from beside me.

"This thing was your idea."

"But you're the one who woke me in the middle of the night to do this after Loxley said no. We have no idea where to begin to look for him."

"We'll find him."

"It's been two days though." He whines.

"We. Will. Find. Him. Now shush and be helpful."

"Yes Sir..."

Any trace of a path has faded out so now we're at square one again. My next idea may or may not be mostly in the effort of getting out of the rain. Bars are the best places to gain knowledge of the underground though so it's not exactly useless. It gives Mitsuhide a chance to sit down and stop whining for a few minutes. After three days I was ready to just send him back to Sobynne's and deal with the girls. I'd deal with the rest of the assault later. I only didn't send him back because I feared Loxley killing him or trying to come after me herself. That would be an even bigger mess...

"Obi it's wet outside."

"Oh really? I had no idea." I sigh as I try in vain to wipe some of the rain from my face. We haven't even made it to the bar yet.

"Are we there yet?"

I'm going to strangle him. "Do you see the bar?"

"I can't see at all."

It is really hard to see with the rain absolutely pelting us.

"Well if you can't see why do you think I can?"

"Because you're an assassin and you have the creepy cat eyes."

I will turn his skin into an umbrella...

"Creepy, eh?" I smirk. "I'll keep that in mind when we return to the castle."

"What? No! I've been there so much longer than you and I still haven't found all of your hiding spots. I won't be able to sleep..."

I lead Mitsuhide through the tavern to a booth in the back corner. I settle on the side with my back against the wall so I can see the room clearly. Never sit with your back to the door. I prop my boots on the edge of the table and tilt my... borrowed... hat down to cover my eyes. I'm cold, I'm soaking wet, I'm exhausted.

"I'm hungry."

"Order us food and drink."

"Why do I have to do it while you get to nap?"

"I'm not napping, Hide. I'm listening without drawing attention to myself. Most of these people wouldn't recognize you. I, on the other hand, am a living breathing target."

"I thought you were basically famous back before-"

"Famous doesn't mean well-liked." I shrug, cutting him off before he can reveal anything. "Besides, I'd rather gather information than reminisce with old enemies. Now, about that food and drink?"

"Alright, alright. I'm going..."

None of the chatter has been helpful so far. A lot of it is just cashing in on stupid bets or prostitutes trying to cash in on the drunks. At least the food is good and I got the spot next to the fireplace. The food and warmth are enough to get Mitsuhide to stop complaining as well. I hear one of the waitresses walking by as I put my empty bottle on the table. I signal for more and hear her cheerful voice tell me she'll be right back. Someone else is approaching though. I don't even want to look to see.

"Hey Nanaki-"

"I know, Hide. Just stay quiet." I whisper.

"Well, well, well, I never expected to see you skulking around here again, Obi."

That voice... "What do you want Marina?"

"I saw you across the bar and I just couldn't resist saying hello to my handsome lover." She croons as she settles on the very edge of my bench.

I hear Mitsuhide choke across the table and I sigh before discarding the hat. "We have never been lovers, Darling."

"Not yet, but anything can happen, hm?"

"Marina, meet Hide. Hide is single and a very, very sad lonely little man."

"Hey! I resent that."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, why don't you do me a favor, Darling?"

"Oh! Anything for you Obi."

I cut her a look as her hand moves toward my thigh.

"Not that. I need information on a man named Lex. Do you know anything?"

"Oh... Yeah, Lex is a pirate. He had a kid around here somewhere but I heard he murdered her and the mother went crazy. I've seen him running around with a blonde girl with mismatched eyes lately. I guess he's abandoned the seas. Why?"

"I'm looking for him. Where can I find him?"

"That I don't know. My best bet would be to find Rabbit."

"Rabbit?" I arch a brow. "Why would I need to find The Pack leader?"

She giggles and pats my thigh before getting to her feet. "I guess we'll both be left wanting tonight, won't we? See you around Obi, Hide."

"She seems really nice." Mitsuhide comments after she disappears into the crowd.

"Well, she's a prostitute, so-"

"Oh..." I snicker as his face turns red. "S-So, uh, what is The Pack?"

A/N: Marina was previously featured in Dancing With Your Ghost(: 

Playing With Fire *COMPLETE* (Obi x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang