I Am Every Vow You Broke, They Left For Dead And Turned To Smoke

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Chapter 24: I Am Every Vow You Broke, They Left For Dead And Turned To Smoke

While Mitsuhide fills Rabbit and Squirrel in, I attempt to calm the furious blonde on top of me. I manage to grab her wrists without hurting her burns and ask if she's done throwing a tantrum. She shoots me a glare but seems to slowly calm enough to stop trying to strangle me. She finally nods and I release her, only to have her punch me in the face. I guess I deserve that.

"I'm done now..." She sighs as she moves off of me so I can sit up. "Seriously though, what the hell? I told you no!"

"I heard you say yes, I don't know what you're talking about." I shrug, then duck to miss her swing. "How did you escape your nanny?"

"Sobynne would murder you if she heard you call her that... but I may or may not have sneaked out like you two did. Now, my big question is what the hell are you doing with The Pack?" She turns away and nods at them. "No offense..."

"I think Miss Rabbit could explain it better." I look to Rabbit who's been strangely silent the whole time.

"This is her?" She finally asks and I nod. "You're Lex's sister?"

"Unfortunately, what of it?"

"I never knew he had family, well, beyond whatever the hell I was..." Rabbit mumbles under her breath. "I knew Lex for many years." She answers more clearly.

"How did you get away?" Loxley scowls.

"I overthrew his pirate ship then eventually left the crew to start over with the daughter he left me with."

"Where is your daughter now? In all of the rumors about you, a kid was never mentioned."

"He tracked us down, slit her throat as I watched, then tortured me and left me for dead..."

To my surprise, Loxley left my side shortly after Rabbit's admission to sit beside her so they could talk more. Squirrel came to sit beside Mitsuhide and asked how we knew about Rabbit's connection and whined that she never told him any of it. After I made a point to rub it in that I knew more than he did about his own Miss, he got up to run perimeter checks, leaving me with Mitsuhide.

"I think she likes you." He chuckles quietly, drawing my attention from drawing in the dirt.

"She just tried to murder me." I point out with a sigh.

"You're thinking of it all wrong. She, even injured how she is, left safety to go find you because she was worried about you getting hurt."

"It's feasible, but it doesn't mean she likes me. At least no matter what I won't end up like Squirrel working for the woman he cares for."

"Why don't you just confess to her?"

"Because that's not my goal right now. My goal is to kill Lex so she and Rabbit can be safe."

"...And then you confess?"

"Probably not."

Squirrel comes back and offers to stay awake to keep watch so the girls can sleep. I know I won't be able to sleep anyway, so I offer to stay up as well. Mitsuhide gave up on staying awake after I threatened to dismember him if he didn't keep his voice down about confessing to her. I look over the small fire in the clearing as Rabbit produces a bottle of alcohol from her inner coat pocket and nurses it as she lays her head on Squirrel's lap. I hear his quiet complaints about her drinking on a job but she shuts him up with a threat to pull his eyes out through his nose. Loxley moves away from them to settle closer to me. Everything is quiet for a moment before she punches me in the arm.

"What was that for?" I grumble.

"For worrying me and going against what I said."

"Why does it matter to you though since you said before that you can't stand me?" I ask but she doesn't answer.

"I really can't stand you." Her quiet voice reaches my ears a few moments later. "Doesn't mean I'm heartless though. I don't understand why you would go through the trouble of going after Lex because of me though."

I tense as I feel her rest her head on my shoulder but I don't move away.

"Because even though I can't stand you, I'm not heartless." I answer. "Get some rest, Loxley."

Rabbit has drunk herself to sleep curled up on Squirrel's lap and Loxley is asleep with her head on my shoulder. I don't know how smart this is if we happen to have someone come in to attack. It feels rather nice having her close to me though, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. This bit of peace won't last long and once Lex is out of the way and she's free, I likely won't see her again. I worry about her being out here though. It may give her closure seeing him dead rather than just being told, but he's tortured her so much I don't know if she can handle seeing him at all.

"Obi... stop fidgeting." She sighs and shifts before falling still again. "What's bothering you?"


"Don't lie."

I glance over at Squirrel to find him asleep with Rabbit, then over at Mitsuhide who is still asleep as well.

"Well... Do you want a half-truth or the whole truth?"

"Preferably the whole truth." She mumbles around a yawn.

"I'm worried about you being here with us."


"Because... I care about you."

"Quite obviously considering." She chuckles quietly. "You haven't murdered me yet."

"Loxley, there's more to it than that." I don't know why I'm saying any of this but I can't make it stop. "I like you..."

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