I'm Not Too Sure What I'm Supposed To Do With This

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Chapter 1: I'm Not Too Sure What I'm Supposed To Do With This 
The chapter titles will be song lyrics from Into The Fire - Asking Alexandria(:

The grounds are quiet, too quiet. The weather is stereotypically nice with the bright blue sky, puffy white clouds, and a cool enough breeze to keep the temperature from being too warm. Normally, this would make for a perfect day considering I don't even have a job to annoy me, but I'm bored. Master's been locked away in his office for several meetings, meaning Kiki and Mitsuhide are busy. Garak and Miss Shirayuki are in the medical buildings doing spring cleaning and inventory. I'd wandered down there a little over an hour ago and was instantly kicked back out. I've been lounging in a shady tree ever since.

A flicker of movement catches my eye near the castle's boundary wall. I arch a brow as the flicker turns into a young blonde woman. Perhaps this could be entertaining. Any visitor of the princes would simply go through the gates, not scale the wall. I wonder what she's after. She's likely just a petty thief looking for a little payday off a trinket. While slightly exciting, stopping her would be a very short-lived fun. She studies the area for anyone lurking around before moving forward to the cover of the rose bushes. I guess she didn't notice me. Maybe my boredom finally killed me and I'm just a ghost. Regardless, I'll have some fun with this new person.

I drop down from my tree and quickly make my way up into the tree she's currently hiding in. The guards are changing position so she'll be here for a few minutes at the very least. I land on the branch beside her and pretend as if I'm watching the guards as well, but really I'm watching for her reaction from my peripherals.

"So, what are you in for?" I ask and she tenses.

"Go away, I don't have time for some rookie petty thief." She responds flatly as she absently toys with the wooden end of an unlit match stick hanging from her lips.

"I'm dreadfully sorry," I chuckle. "I just saw how easily you moved and was absolutely in awe of how skilled of a thief you must be."

"Thief?" She smirks. "That's adorable. I don't waste my time on such nonsense. Now, I must be on my way. I have a life to take. I'd say it's been fun, but I don't lie."

She disappears from the tree and I catch sight of her in another tree a few feet away. I follow after her, wondering which prince she's after. Master and Prince Izana are both here at the castle right now and Master has Prince Raji visiting from Tanbarun. No matter who it is, I can't let her kill them. I can definitely still have fun with this while I do my job. Master expects me to do my job, he just never specified how I have to do it.

"Fancy running into you again." I chirp as I meet up with her in another tree.

"No. I'm not doing this. I will kill you if I come across you again." She sighs.

Let her try. It'll just mean more fun for me.

"So, what's your name?" I ask when I show up beside her at yet another hiding spot. "You know you're pretty brave for going in to assassinate someone in broad daylight."

"Bravery has nothing to do with it, Stupid. If you're good at what you do, it doesn't matter when you do it. I won't get caught and I won't fail."

"You're wrong though." I shrug and she finally turns toward me.

I hadn't been able to see her full face before. Her eyes are different colors, one green, one brown. That's interesting. I think back to all of the people I'd known of back before coming to work for the castle to see if I can identify her.

"What do you mean?"

"You've already been caught."

"You're just a rookie thief, what damage could you possibly do without getting yourself captured?"

"I'm not a thief either, Loxley." I grin as her eyes narrow. "I'm the man here to stop you from assassinating whoever your target is."

"If you don't know my target, why would it matter to you? You're not a castle lackey. Who are you anyway?"

"Most recently, I've been known as Obi." I shrug, then grin as her eyes widen. "Does that name ring a bell?"

She lets out a growl of frustration before pulling a small knife from her pocket. "Screw off, whoever you are. You're distracting me."

"That's the point."

I very easily keep up with Loxley as she continues on to the open air corridor surrounding the outside of the castle. I've been taunting her every step of the way, annoying her more and more. Pretty soon, I think she'll snap and focus her full attention on me instead of her target. Worst case scenario, she creates enough of a scene that it attracts the guards and she's captured before I can fight with her. Loxley is someone I'd never met face to face when I was out in the world. I'd only heard of her in passing. Most of what I'd heard of her, she'd set fire to something. She started out as an assassin, a damn good one at that, but I heard rumor that a job went wrong and she was trapped in a burning building. After that people say she snapped and a lot of her jobs ended in a fiery blaze. I'd rather her not set Wistal Castle on fire.

"Oh for the love of God will you shut up!?" She snaps as she turns toward me, then curses as a guard turns toward her. A long, almost paper-thin needle leaves her fingers and his body slumps to the floor a second later.

"Oh no, I irritated the arsonist. Whatever shall I do?" I snicker.

She shoots me a glare that I can't take seriously considering she's rather short, her head stopping at the middle of my chest. I barely see her hand twitch and a needle sails toward me. With a sigh, I reach up and stop it just before my right eye.

"Let the games begin, huh?" I smirk before drawing a dagger. 

Playing With Fire *COMPLETE* (Obi x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя