I'm Praying For Something To Make Me Feel Alive

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Chapter 15: I'm Praying For Something To Make Me Feel Alive

What happened? I remember Lex trying to leave with Loxley and she attacked him. I went after him for hurting her but I don't remember anything else. I'm on the floor of the cottage still and Mitsuhide is standing over me looking concerned. I guess that's a good sign. I swat him away and sit up while asking about Loxley. He doesn't answer me and my heart drops.

"Do you know where they went?"

"I woke up and we were alone. I have no idea. Also, you're bleeding."

I touch my head and my fingers come back covered in blood.

"Just a flesh wound..."

"So, what's our plan of action, oh-great-leader?" He asks as he helps me stand.

Mitsuhide follows me as I head to the front door of the cottage and stare out at the trees. I have no idea where to look for her unless I can pick up a trail. Storm clouds are rolling in as well and the scent of rain is heavy in the air. Even if I pick up a trail, if I'm not fast enough the storm will wash it away.

"Do you want to go after her to save her or because we have a job to capture her?" Mitsuhide asks quietly.

"We have a job, naturally." I reply without much thought.

"You're lying, Obi."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I could see a difference in you when you started messing with her in the beginning and how you have been with her now. You care about her whether you realize it or not. Instead of simply capturing her right away you helped her find and return a jewelry box because it meant something to her."

"All that means is that I have a heart."

"For Loxley."



I open my mouth to insult him but the smell of smoke hits me.

"Do you smell that?" He asks before I can so I nod. "You said she was an arsonist, maybe she's set-"

"She's not." I cut in. "He sets them as a punishment because she's afraid..."

"Go. I'll catch up."

I leave Mitsuhide and the safe house behind as I follow the growing scent of smoke through the trees. I don't know what he's doing to her but whatever it is can't be good. I'm not sure what she's capable of doing to defend herself but considering how she hid at even the mention of him coming around, I don't think it's much. He has no issue putting other people's lives in danger, he won't have a problem killing her. I don't care about her as more than a job though, do I? I can't, it's simply not possible. She's just someone from my side of life who got in a bad situation and almost died. When she isn't trying to murder me or my boss she isn't really a bad person to talk to. I enjoy her sarcasm. But still, she's just another target... She's just Loxley.

There was a house here... I barely remember it existing through the trees in passing. It's still here, in a way, but it's fully engulfed in flame. The heat is unbearable even twenty feet away. I don't see Lex or Loxley anywhere. I pray she's not inside but based on what I'd seen last time I encountered him, she is. I take a deep breath and rush toward the open door but halfway through a body slams into my side and I'm knocked to the ground.

"Get off me!" I growl as I elbow him and get to my feet.

"You're interfering with her punishment!"

"Your punishment is going to kill her!" I land a punch to his jaw before running toward the house again.

"She's mine to control! Stay out of it!"

I hear him try to tackle me again but more footsteps sound from behind me as I hear her scream from inside the house.

"Go Obi! I've got him!"

I can't see anything. There's too much smoke. I don't know where she is or how she's even still alive right now. We very well may die in this house. I'll die trying to save her though. She doesn't deserve to burn to death like this. She doesn't deserve to be tormented by the flames for his pleasure. Another scream pulls my attention further into the house and as I carefully move forward, I call out for her. I don't know if she'll be able to hear me but I have to do something to try to track her, something to let her know that someone is with her, that's she's not alone in this.

"Loxley!" I call out as I round the corner, well a gap that I imagine was a corner...

"Loxley, I need you to tell me where you are! Please!"

I can't let her be alone right now. She doesn't need to be alone...

"Loxley!" I choke out.

Her screaming stopped. I don't know where to go from here. I call for her again before barely hearing coughing coming from the room to my left. I can't see anything but between coughs I tell her to keep making some sort of noise so I can find her.


She's right there, she has to be. I'm almost there and then we can get out of here safely. I just have to-

"Obi! We have to get out of here! It's going to collapse!"

I'm tugged backward despite my protests and I fight against Mitsuhide's grip.

"I'm not leaving her!" I choke out between coughs.

"Obi, if she's still in here, there's no way she's-"

"Shut up! She's alive! She has to be! Loxley! Loxley, I'm here! Loxley!"

"Obi! We have to go! She's dead! I'm sorry."


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