Build Your Walls But You Can't Keep Me Out

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Chapter 22: Build Your Walls But You Can't Keep Me Out

Apparently when you join The Pack as a new recruit you don't get a room, so we've been left in the purgatory of the main room. At least they have an open bar run by a man called Snake. He doesn't wear a mask, his is hanging on the wall behind the bar. There are only a few members lingering around in a small group playing cards. It seems that within the base masks are optional. Squirrel finally wrangled Rabbit and carried her off into the depths of the base to get changed and warmed up. I tell Mitsuhide to get some sleep and I'd keep an eye out. He's nervous being in here, that much I can tell, but he's more likely to get sleep than I am. I have no issue sleeping in a place like this because I can still stay alert I just don't want to sleep and have him cause trouble.

He tried hard to stay awake but ended up falling asleep about twenty minutes later, leaving me to relax in silence. No one has really bothered us since we arrived thankfully. I get to my feet and cross the room to get another drink from Snake. I cast a glance back at Mitsuhide before settling on a bar stool. I feel like he may be able to give me some preliminary information on Rabbit and The Pack.

"Can I ask, is Miss Rabbit typically drunk like that?"

"She has her moments." He chuckles. "She is an alcoholic, even she will admit that, but it's rare that she gets that far gone. I bet she made a wonderful first impression, right?"

"She was playing in the waterfall pretending to be a sea monster."

"That sounds about right..."

"Well, what can I expect from a sober or at least mostly sober Rabbit?"

"That depends on her mood. She can be really nice or your worst nightmare. My best advice is to not cross her."

"Understandable. What's with the Squirrel? I thought her right hands were a set of twins."

"The Foxes decided they wanted to move up in the world and tried to kill her and took over. She came back one day looking half-dead and with Squirrel's help, she took down the twins and reclaimed her spot as leader. Since he helped her, she bumped him up to the right hand. He's a good kid, just a bit fidgety for my taste."

I nudge Mitsuhide awake as a young blond man approaches us. It's Squirrel, but he's without his mask this time. I'm guessing he just woke up since he looks messy but he seems rather chipper. Well, he's glaring at me so he isn't too happy. I offer him a small greeting that he simply glares at.

"The Miss requests your presence."

"Is she still a sea monster?"

"Not yet. She's still hungover."

"That's nice. Alright Hide, let's go meet our new Miss."

Squirrel definitely hates me now. I figured that she would have him stay to watch over our meeting, but she glanced up at us, then dismissed him and Mitsuhide, leaving me alone with her. He argued about staying but she shot him a look and told him that it was an order not a question and it silenced him. Mitsuhide looked terrified but I just told him to have fun and behave himself.

I settle against the wall near the door and meet her curious gaze. Unlike Squirrel, her mask is still perfectly in place.

"I need a drink..." She mumbles under her breath before sitting upright and clearing her throat. "Hello, welcome to The Pack I suppose, I am Rabbit, the leader. You are?"

"I am Nanaki and that was my brother Hide. Thank you for allowing us to join your ranks."

"Nanaki... That rings a bell... Wait, I know you, you're an assassin."

Well, I didn't anticipate being recognized by The Pack leader. I spot her hand moving toward the side of her desk so I rush forward and grab her wrist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"And why not?" She growls. "I have no issue calling for Squirrel or killing you myself."

"I'm not here to harm you or else I would have done so when you were a 'kraken of the sea' yesterday. I just need to have a little chat with you, then my dear brother and I will be on our way. Besides, your little woodland creatures confiscated my weapons so I'm completely defenseless."

"What do you want?" She finally sighs and releases her grip on her sword.

"What do you know about a pirate that goes by the name Lex?" I ask as I settle in a chair across from her.

The instant shift in her attitude catches me off guard but it lets me know that I'm on the right track.

"A-Alcohol... I need alcohol." She whispers but I just barely catch it.

"Miss? I'm sorry to intrude, but I've brought breakfast." Squirrel is back.

"Thank you. I'm not hungry though."

"You haven't eaten in three days Miss, I'll leave it here for you. Please at least have a few bites."

Squirrel leaves momentarily with an order to bring back several bottles of alcohol.

Once we're alone again and she has ten bottles on her desk, I wait to see if she will say anything. Her hands are still trembling as she picks up a bottle and drains it in one long drink. She slams the bottle down on the desk and sighs before refocusing her attention on me.

"Why do you need to know about that sick son of a bitch?"

"That's classified for now. So since you obviously know and hate him, start talking."

"How did you know I was connected to Lex?" She asks as she stares me down.

"A local tavern crawler sent me in your direction though they didn't explain why."

"I'm not going to say anything until I know your intention."

"I'm trying to kill him to protect an assassin he forced to work under him. She rebelled and he's dead-set on killing her."

"Her? Makes me wonder how many women he's tortured like this..." She mumbles under her breath. "Well he's not easy to kill, I can tell you that much. He does deserve to die though so I wish you the best."

"So, now that I told you, start talking Bunny."

"Don't call me that... Lex tortured me for years and then he and I had a child together when I was still very young. It was against my will but I couldn't do anything to fight him because I was pretty much enslaved on his boat. I finally escaped with my daughter and we started over, but he found us, murdered her, and tortured me again before leaving me to die."

"Woah, you're her." I definitely didn't expect that. I'm actually speechless for once... "I'm so sorry."

"So why do you care so much for the assassin?" She asks after draining two bottles back to back. "Who is she?" "She's actually his little sister. He saved her from a fire and used her fear of the flames to manipulate her into working for him. If she doesn't do as asked or rebels, he sets fires to homes, sometimes with the occupants or Loxley herself inside. I've saved her at least twice now and she and I both saved a mother and young daughter that he tied up and left in a burning house."

"What do you need to know from me?"

"Anywhere you can think of that he could be."

"I'll do you one better. I'll come with you. I want the final blow though."


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