I Feel Alive Inside I Won't Be Terrorized, I'll Stand Up To The Pain

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Chapter 26: I Feel Alive Inside I Won't Be Terrorized, I'll Stand Up To The Pain

 Rabbit and Loxley stop at the edge of the treeline opening up to a large decaying house and turn to us. According to Adin, this is where Lex is, but according to Loxley, most of the time when she was there most of his crew would be there. We have a decent number but it's still unwise to just go blindly rushing in there. Or not... I hurry after the girls as they kick the door in. If Loxley gets herself killed after all I've done to save her, I'm going to kill her.

As Squirrel and I make it into the house, we're immediately under attack. I pull a dagger out to counter the blows as I take in the room. There are twenty men total, one lounging on the couch and the others either attacking us or holding the girls on the floor in front of the couch. This will be fun. I sigh and slam a man's head against the wall before letting him drop, only to be pinned to the wall by six more. This is definitely not how I wanted this to go. Lex gets to his feet once Squirrel, Hide, and I are pinned and gives me a smug smirk before focusing on the girls.

"I knew I had company coming, but I never expected to have such a treat, Loxy."

"Go to hell." She snaps and he chuckles.

"How'd you find my lovely little treat? I made sure you two wouldn't meet. It would have been so dreadfully annoying considering how emotional you women can be."

"You killed her fucking daughter!"

"Technically it was my daughter, that annoying little brat." He shrugs. "Regardless, Mel, I'd like to see your pretty little face." He crouches down and rips her mask off and tosses it across the cottage. "Much better."

I look over to Squirrel to find him fighting desperately to escape the men holding him.

"Don't fucking touch her!"

"Aw, how precious Mel, you've gotten yourself a little play toy. Should I kill him now and get him out of the way, or let him watch?"

"Leave him alone, he's not part of this."

"Funny, you said that same thing about your daughter and you saw what happened to her." Lex stands and casts a glance at us before moving back to his couch. "Put the girls in rooms, then kill the pests."

Loxley and Rabbit are forced to their feet despite their struggling and dragged away into the depths of the house. I manage to slip an arm free and drop the man that had been holding it but before I can get anymore untangled, I'm slammed to the floor. Loxley and Rabbit need help. I'm not going to let Loxley get hurt by him anymore so I have to get out of this but I don't know how. We're far more outnumbered than I expected.

"Hey you piece of shit! Are you really so scared of losing that you won't give us a fair fight? That's sad." Hide speaks up and I look to him in surprise. Hide never curses and never speaks out like this. I'm impressed.

Lex chuckles in response. "How cute, coming from a pathetic little castle lackey. The only one of you that could possibly survive is that one because he seems to be as hard to kill as a roach." I'm flattered, honestly. "Fine, you want a fight? May as well give my boys some entertainment while I catch up with my dear sister and my lover."

We're released once Lex disappears into the depths of the house. Squirrel and I are the first to our feet as chaos ensues in the room. It's down to nine against three, with the few that we managed to get rid of before our capture and the ones who left with Loxley and Rabbit. I toss a dagger across the room, killing the man trying to attack Mitsuhide from behind before using another to catch a sword. My heart drops as I hear Rabbit scream from somewhere in the back. A man's body flies past me only to crash into a table and fall still.

"Good one, Squirrel." I call out as I stab someone in the chest and drop him.

I look around for another target but only two are left and they're fighting with Squirrel and Hide. I move to help them but my steps falter as I smell smoke. No... I sink a dagger into Hide's opponent's thigh as Squirrel slits the other man's throat.

"Obi, I smell-"

"I know Hide. Keep the exit clear in case more arrive, Squirrel and I are going after the girls."

Just before we round the corner he calls for us.


"If we all survive, you should confess. Both of you."

"Not the time, Hide." I sigh.

Squirrel and I head through the hall toward the source of the smoke. I know Loxley has to be near the fire somewhere. I just pray she's okay. We round a corner and through the smoke I spot the men who carried them away blocking two doors, one at each end of the hall. The one at the far end is closer to the fire that seems to have started in the room beside it.

"Rabbit is probably in the closer room. If you've got her, I'm going after Loxley."

"Just remember your deal with Rabbit. She wants the final blow."

"I'll do my best."

I get past the men with ease and as I kick the door down, I hear Loxley yelling as I choke on the smoke. I blink through the haze to find Lex fighting against Loxley to not be pushed into the fire that's made it through the wall.

"If I die in this godforsaken hellhole I'm taking you out with me you piece of shit! You deserve to burn far more than I do!" 

Playing With Fire *COMPLETE* (Obi x OC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα