From A Cage I Created To A Hell That Heaven Made

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Chapter 3: From A Cage I Created To A Hell That Heaven Made

I catch a rather impressive right hook to the jaw before I catch her second swing and shove her backward. Loxley and I quickly end up in a volley of blows and counters with the moonlight as our only guide. She's furious, that much I can tell by the fire burning in her eyes. I'd almost forgotten that in my quest for entertainment out of pure boredom that she's actually here to kill someone and I'm preventing her from doing that. It turned into more of an afterthought. Honestly if Master were to find out that I've been idly toying with an assassin on the castle grounds he'd throw a fit because I'm not doing my job to his standards. I should have immediately captured her and brought her to the guards. Where's the fun in that though? She's harmless enough.

"Obi! You have ten seconds." I hear Master call for me and I sigh.

"Well, it seems like I have to run, Loxley. You have two options. You can stay and be captured or you can run away to safety. If I see you again after that, I won't let you leave like that."

"Five seconds!"

"Make a decision." I tell her with a smirk.

She looks between me and the castle a few times, then jolts slightly as the guards start to shift again. She curses and flips me off before hurrying off to climb the wall. Once she's over the edge, I sprint toward the castle and use a tree to reach Master's balcony.

"You called?" I ask as I sprawl out on the railing.

"You never take this long to respond, what were you doing?"

"Simply enjoying the moonlight." I grin.

"Then why is your face swollen and you have blood on your mouth?"

"I- do not judge what other people may enjoy in their spare time, Master. So what did you need?"

"Prince Raji will be leaving in the morning. We are going to accompany him to check on some of the forts along the way."

"We? Am I included in that?"

"If you weren't I wouldn't have called for you." He sighs. "Lord Brother will be leaving in the morning and will be gone for a month."

If Prince Izana isn't her target, then I can easily protect Master and Prince Raji along the way. If it is Prince Izana, I hope he can manage to keep himself alive.

After Master dismisses me, I drop down to the ground again to keep an eye out for any more Loxley attempts, but I find myself landing beside Mitsuhide. He greets me before groaning his complaints about being trapped in a room with Prince Raji all day. I admit I don't envy him in the slightest. I can barely stand him myself, especially after how he tried to harm Miss Shirayuki for not wanting to be his concubine. I have to play nice for Master's sake though. It wouldn't look good for his reputation if one of his attendants acted terribly toward an ally.

"Um Obi, why are you bleeding?"

"I tripped." I shrug as I scan the wall for her.

"What are you looking for?"

"I don't know what you mean."



"You're looking for someone, aren't you?" He narrows his eyes suspiciously before he grins excitedly. "Wait, you've met someone haven't you? You have a secret girlfriend!"

"No." I reply simply.

"Boyfriend? I don't judge either way I just didn't thin-"

I sigh and shake my head before covering his mouth. "No to that as well. It's just- important to keep a watchful eye on the perimeter since we have a guest of the crown present."

"It's Prince Raji, he's more a danger to himself than anyone else is to him."

"That's true... Let's go for a drink."

By sunrise I still haven't seen a single sign of Loxley. I don't know if I've run her off for good or if she's simply regrouping until a better time. Mitsuhide and I spent the night on the grounds drinking and telling stories. He still doesn't know everything of my past, barely anything beyond the surface, but he was interested in learning more about some of the things of the underground side of life. I can't tell him much, but there were some old rogue groups and things of that nature that I could discuss without issue. Some days, I miss the freedom to do what I please but this isn't bad either. Master allowing me to go out for jobs or even for a day or two out on my own helps with the restlessness, but it only does so much. I can't sit still.

After Master says goodbye to his brother, the six of us head out for Shenazard Castle. I don't understand why we're going all the way out there but Master mentioned checking on the forts and picking up something Prince Raji had left behind. Of course he would be the one to forget something that was part of the entire reason he came here... At least it'll keep Loxley from burning down the castle... I hope. I arch a brow as we travel through the trees and a slight rustle reaches my ears. A small smirk crosses my face as I spot Loxley moving across the canopy above us. I cover my expression with a fake yawn as Mitsuhide notices my eyes wandering.

"What are you looking at?"

"Just admiring the foliage. Spring is a lovely season."

"So it's not the blonde girl above us that you're gawking at?" He snickers under his breath. "Is she the one that gave you that wonderful bruise?"

"She's been hanging around since yesterday morning." I admit. "She's an assassin... One of the princes is her target. I've simply been tormenting her while preventing her from doing her job. I feel she is no true threat to them so I didn't raise an alarm."

"I won't tell so long as you keep a handle on it. If she becomes a problem, you'd better take her out."

I fake gasp as I turn toward him. "You sound as if you doubt my ability."

I tell Master I'm going ahead to scout before slipping up into the trees. 

Playing With Fire *COMPLETE* (Obi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now