CHAPTER 13 - Set Forth The Voyagers - part 2

Start from the beginning

After the new survivors have settled into the cabin, staying with the others and living there comfortably, it was easy to divide the kind of chores or tasks that are necessary to do or not, to survive through this monster apocalypse. And nobody complained or protested about being assigned any duties and such since they all wanted to contribute to the group and prove themselves useful even though they went through a lot since the apocalypse happened before then.

The boys were mostly doing the important tasks, such as guarding their group, looking out for any dangers out there, and securing the perimeter. But from time to time, they also help with the household kind of chores with the girls whenever needed or they take turns into doing these kinds of tasks with a fixed schedule, that way they don't get confused about who is doing what's what.

The only girls who wanted to be independent and brave enough to share with the boys' tasks for looking out after their group, were Octavia Blake, Padma Patil, Victoria Crabbe, and Mel.

Despite the protests from Octavia's overprotective brother Bellamy and Mel's friend Sterling, who tried to stop them from doing so, the girls were insistent in contributing themselves to the kind of tasks that the boys do too, which they really wanted to do so for their group.

It was Luna, Neville, Helen, and also Draco who reasoned with Bellamy and Sterling that they should let the girls have their right and say into wanting to work for their group such as being lookouts and guards for them. But to reassure them that the strong girls will be fine, they will be adding survival lessons and defensive teachings so that they'll learn and know how to defend themselves to fight and survive through any kinds of threats and dangers out there. Even the Mundane kind of survival tactics will be taught to the Mages too.

Meanwhile, during the three days that the time had passed and gone by then, Draco focused on the important matter by fixing and modifying the magical trailer to become larger than before, so that in the future case when more survivors might appear or they discover them on the way when they continue their long journey ahead of them.

Remembering that the airplane which Theodore Nott and Susan Bones had flown before, that sunk into the frozen lake, Draco had the other Mage boys Theodore and Neville go with him to magically retrieve it out of there and then reuse all the metal on it, turning it into scrap and such and fix it upon the trailer to make it bigger.

Few of the Mundane boys came out and wanted to watch this, were all amazed and in wonder as Draco, Theodore, and Neville used their magic to powerfully lift the airplane that sunk into the frozen lake and strongly but carefully carried it to shore so that they can work on stripping all of its metal to modify and fix the magic trailer and make it longer for their added passengers.

It was slightly a long process into doing this task, and almost very exhausting on doing so when the three male Mages used their powers to strip and break apart the plane to make modified additions into the enchanted trailer and fixing it up.

Halfway when working on the trailer after breaking all the metal and pieces apart from the airplane, Theodore and Draco nearly collapsed from the magic drain and Neville started swaying dizzily like he's drunk, Bellamy who was watching with the other guys standing by, instantly called this to a stop before they might get themselves more tired or turn up dead from the exhaustion upon using their magic energies into this job.

It took them about two to three days for the Mages to finish with their project on making the magical trailer, modifying and fixing it into a bigger one and when they were done, Draco was very proud of their work before he and the others went back into the cabin to rest until their inner magical cores were replenished back and re-energized to full.

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