CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 3

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(Continuation from Chapter 4 - part 2)


Helen shook her head in amusement at Draco's slight dramatics just as the blond man went marching outside, grabbing his coat and rifle, and yelling back that he'll be on guard shift and taking watch for the whole night and Neville and Luna stared at the tent's opening where Draco just got out and left before they turned back to look at Helen who still looked calm and composed with a smile.

"Well, that was...a little awkward," Luna can't help but comment aloud.

"Uh...did we miss something here?" Neville asked nervously.

Helen shook her head and explained to them, "Draco still blames himself after what happened last time we brought in another survivor. I kept telling him that it's not his fault when I figured it out instantly that he wasn't a good guy and told him about it, but he blames himself for not seeing through it clearly and looking deeper about it. So..."

Luna sighed and continued finishing what Helen is going to say. "So he's still maintaining that 'cold' persona so that it won't happen again?" Helen nodded in confirmation.

"We're not really bad people though, honest!" Bellamy said as he listened in to the private talk the three of them are having but he had to hear it so that he'll know about their would-be fates.

Helen, Luna, and Neville turned to them and Luna smiled at them warmly, "We know that all of you four are not. Helen would not have let you in if she saw that any of you truly were."

"You should consider yourselves lucky that Helen was here...if she wasn't, Draco would have never let you in," Neville reassured them as he said this.

"I don't know whether I should be comforted of that fact or not," Octavia said uncertainly, as she thought of the blond man possibly causing trouble for them and might try something to force them to leave or something. Clarke, Bellamy, and Murphy agreed with her statement but Helen quickly reassured them that nothing is going to happen and they don't mind that they're taking in new people into their group.

It didn't take long for the four survivors and new group members to finish their dinner, content and happy that their stomachs are fully full with good food and drinks and then Helen led them gently to where they clean and refresh themselves and they were delighted when the inside space of this amazing tent also has warm running showers and baths after Luna came along with Helen to help out in explaining where everything is, what they are, and whose quarters they'll know belongs to and where they will be staying in. After washing up, all clean and refreshed and very happy in clean clothes too, without added thick cloaks and coats as they finally realized that the temperature is warm and comfortably normal inside, then Helen and Luna led them to their new rooms where they can stay and live in, which it didn't take long for them to fall asleep peacefully with no constant worries in their minds as their bodies fully surrendered to rest from all the tiring ordeals they've gone through in their long journey and surviving through the monster apocalypse.

The four survivors would have wanted to keep staying up and awake to know more about their new group, but they were so exhausted and tired from their journey that they decided to ask them questions about 'Magic' and everything else for another day after their well-deserved rest.

It won't be long for the new survivors to integrate themselves and get along with the group of Magicals and their children, including Draco as he reluctantly made bonds of friendship with them so that he won't disappoint the others when the time passes on in another long time or so. Added the facts that the Mundane survivors will also know how the Magical group has survived and live through the monster apocalypse and get to know them more and be more amazed by the truth and revelations at the time from then on and so forth.

But then in the future time, something is about to happen that will make them all move away from their safe spot in that forest area and forced them all to leave and go find another place that will keep them safe from the monsters of this horrifying monster apocalypse.

And there's no telling what kind of other ordeals or harrowing adventures they'll be going through next when the time comes.




Another chapter of the story finished! I hope you like it!

There will be more again for this and others very soon, I promise!

Enjoy Readers!



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