CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 4

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(Continuation from Chapter 7 part 3)


The monster was very large, with its size of both height and width similar to an army tank, but almost bigger than that. And with its formidable but slightly fearsome appearance, it appears that the monster is some sort of combined mutated mix of a heavily armored pangolin and a porcupine. With spikes covering all over its big tail and spikes poking out in between the scaly thick flat armor on its back that almost looked like its thick and strong enough like concrete or titanium steel itself.

But this fearsome-looking kind of monster doesn't appear to be a dangerous one, besides its obvious appearance, because it was curling in almost itself like a protective ball while its spikes seem to retract inwards into its armored scaly body like it's in agony upon having its long tongue being cut and sliced off by Draco's sword, and it also showed that it's truly harmless when it cried out in pained whimpers and frightened whines with teary dilated eyes upon regarding the humans with fear that are approaching near it.

When they saw how the monster acted towards them, they all lowered their weapons, and the only one who didn't was, of course, Draco as he still got his sword out and positioned at the ready to strike again but he lowered its sharp tip down, just in case the monster reveals its true friendly nature or something far worse upon reacting violently hostile or something like that.

So far, the mutated pangolin-porcupine thing just continued whimpering and whining with fear, cowering a bit, while pawing one of its front slightly-clawed paws to its bleeding hurt tongue and it kept backing away a little when Luna tried coming close to it, coaxing in a soft voice to show and tell it that she means no harm, including her human friends and companions.

"It's alright, it's's alright, we're not going to hurt you," Luna coaxed it in a soft encouraging voice, trying to soothe the pained but very large creature before her with one of her hands outstretched, reaching for it, towards its face.

It's almost like a touching epic kind of moment when Luna reached out her hand like that, slightly similar to where the normal survivors thought of seeing that kind of move from a movie or something as the blond young woman gently reached out towards the very big monster-creature and soothing it with a soft coaxing voice, showing that they mean no harm and everything.

It didn't take long for about a minute or two, for the hybrid-like creature to be finally convinced that these humans are harmless and friendly, and it also showed the same upon revealing its good friendly nature when the big monster nuzzled its long nosey snout against Luna's hand and then her body after she gave it comforting patting touches from both her hands when it got near her.

It still had its tongue out because the creature felt like it didn't want to worsen its bleeding injury any worse than it already is but it looks like it's not helping matters that the icy cold weather is freezing the monster's poor tongue into cold numbness.

Fortunately, Luna had noticed this and quickly told Draco as she comforted the pitiful still-crying creature. "Draco, go back into the tent and retrieve the tongue that you cut off from this poor thing."

Draco looked at her incredulously as he gestured with his sword at the whimpering monster, that seemed to be seeking comfort from the kind gentle Luna and demanded harshly. "Why the bloody hell should I do it!? And what makes you think that this one won't hesitate to tangle you again with its tongue after you healed it?!"

"Ohh, Draco, it's only a baby--besides, it's your fault in the first place for hurting it. It was just curious, that's all," Luna explained.

Draco stared at the whining monster blankly as it stared back at him with frightened tearful eyes upon regarding the blond human as the culprit for harming it before. After a silent moment for only a few seconds, Draco said sarcastically, "In what manner in the kind of universal world you think you believe in--is that thing considered a baby?"

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