CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 1

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Even though it's only been two months later as the time had passed on by then, since Bellamy Blake, his sister Octavia, his two friends John Murphy, and Clarke Griffin encountered, met and then stayed with Helen's group in that magical place.

And despite that it was too fast and early for them, they deserve to know the truth on how their safe home came to be--which is called the 'Dark Hole' that is almost a silly title given by Draco himself, despite that the magic tent is slightly similar in ways like a black hole--so the four Magical people told them the truth and everything about Magic itself and how it helped them survive and live through the monster apocalypse.

They were impressed and very glad that they somehow stumbled upon them, thanks to Bellamy, and it was easy to get along and getting to know each other better as it would be between them, but the only ones who are still wary, cautious, and on-guard against them are just Draco and Clarke, for it amused some of them that these two seemed to be butting heads against one another but their snappy banter and arguments were not too heated enough so that they won't scare the children whenever they're fighting each other by words.

If Bellamy didn't know any better...he had thought at first that Clarke is arguing and riling Draco up on purpose because she likes fighting and bantering against him with sharp words against another and she seemed to be interested in him. Helen had noticed this too with Draco when she knew that he usually just turns away and ignores Clarke but instead he continues arguing and snapping at her like he's also interested and likes to word-duel with her in a way or so. But the two of them didn't voice it out so that they won't have attention to them, specifically the snappy Draco himself as he was almost too annoyed and angry at Clarke whenever she hits his buttons or something.

Helen is sitting beside Bellamy in one corner of the room inside the magical expanding-spacious tent, and Bellamy didn't mind the company as he looked around and smiled happily on seeing his sister Octavia getting along well with the children, even Teddy who decided to put away his mistrust and join along into playing with the new woman who's also caring for them and the boy seem to also like the fact that Octavia seems to be treating him like he's a mature responsible kid, even though he's really a little kid still. Neville is accompanying Octavia into caring for the kids as he also taught them gently at the children's level so that they'll know what plants they need to learn and know about whenever they go outside and everything.

Bellamy noticed that the book he's holding and showing to the kids of the various plants, including the mutated ones, both dangerous, deadly, but also good and healthy ones, even pointing at specific drawings, making sure that the kids know this intently and carefully teaching them about it--seemed to be eerily familiar and the same from the book that Luna is holding and also showing something in it to Murphy sitting beside her as he pays attention and listens to what she's telling and showing him but in reality, he can easily see that Murphy was focused on the girl like he's very interested in her in a romantic way, much to Bellamy's amusement upon noticing this from his friend.

He also noticed that Draco and Helen seemed to have the same copied books or maybe divided ones of that particular kind of guide book that holds all survival knowledge of whatever mutated creatures, monsters, and plants and everything else when he saw this, but then it didn't take him long to figure out that the four books are actually enchanted to make it in only ONE shared copy of the same book and he wondered how it is possible until he saw the slight shimmers and dim glowing lights upon the pages of the books when he noticed Draco or Helen writing something into the pages and the others did the same when the small glowing lights show faintly, caught in his sights, in the exact same rhythm whenever someone writes or draws into it.

Bellamy doesn't know which one of the four books is the exact original copy of the one that holds all the monster knowledge and survival guide and everything but he looks over Helen's shoulder, liking to watch her write into her copy of the enchanted magical book, draw with her unique and impressive expert artistry skills as she sketches, and colors every various monster or plant that is needed to be put down into the big informative book, with its bold title that read 'MONSTER APOCALYPSE CHRONICLES - SURVIVAL GUIDE'.

"'re a good artist--no, I mean, you're great at this really," Bellamy praised Helen as he looked over her shoulder and saw her drawing a new entry into the survival guide book of the new monster she had spotted sometime before somewhere out there in the monster-infested world.

Helen nodded. "Thanks. Neville and Luna are the ones who know very much mostly about the monsters, mutated creatures, plants, and everything. But from time to time, Draco and I also pitch in of our own encounters whenever it happens to us or something and we help out into putting down all this information into this book."

She confirmed Bellamy's suspicions that the books are all one shared magical copy of the exact original one they made together so that they'll have easy ways to input and write down information whenever they want to, in separate hands. As she told him the story, continuing on drawing while she does so. "Since the beginning of the Monster Fallout, as you call it, I figured my skills as an artist would be useful for this book when we first made it up and created it together, and it could be helpful in identifying the kinds of monsters out there while writing down every knowledge we know of them, all their strengths and weaknesses, their danger levels, even pinpointing where they are located at mostly or where they frequently roam around and about to."

Bellamy nodded and then he moved and picked up one of the stray papers lying scattered by her side, looking at another drawing of another monster with a silhouetted human beside it to compare the size of the threat as well as its danger level. He saw the question mark beside the very huge monster-like polar bear with its super large mutated paws and claws and can't help but ask. "What's with the question mark?"

"Unknown...meaning we don't know whether this is a very dangerous kind of monster--or perhaps, a friendly one," Helen explained in response to his question when she turned her eyes and saw what Bellamy is looking at.

Bellamy almost choked at air upon hearing that. "Friendly? There are friendly types of monsters out there?! Please say you were just kidding!" he exclaimed in shock and disbelief.

Helen stopped writing info for a moment after attaching the page of the sketch of the new monster into the book by a magic spell and she turned to him and nodded in affirmative. "Yes, there are indeed friendly and good kinds of monsters out there in the world. I'm not joking at all--Luna has seen and encountered those kinds face-to-face herself. We were pretty much stunned shocked upon finding out about it and she made us see the living proof ourselves, despite that we were nearly frightened silly over those scary moments before."

Helen trailed off in a thoughtful daze like she's remembering those past times before she giggled amused, making Bellamy look at her curious and confused. She cleared her throat and composed herself as she said, "Sorry. I remember the times back then when we met those friendly kinds of monsters...Neville had fainted and I swear that Draco must have pissed his own pants upon being up-close and personal with them."

Bellamy quickly held back his amused snorts so that Draco won't turn his attention on them and look at them suspiciously if he ever had the thought that there's something between Helen and him--which Bellamy didn't want to admit it out loud yet, but he does want something more with Helen as he grew closer with her upon knowing about her more and getting along with her.

"You know...if the time ever comes that we encounter a friendly monster, I want to be there to see it in living proof like you too," Bellamy admitted, as he started to get interested and curious about the good kinds of monsters, even though his group has long encountered and gone through the worst deadly and dangerous monster kinds.

"Don't worry about day, you and your friends will. And I'm not saying it in theory, I'm telling you this as a fact. And a promise," Helen said as she continued her work into archiving the info into the monster survival guide book.


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