CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 2

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(Continuation from Part 1)


It didn't take long for his friend Murphy to snap him out of it by slapping him on the arm, jolting Bellamy out of his stunned daze. Murphy looked at him as if his buddy gone crazy when Bellamy turned to him and the others.

"Hey, what gives, man?" Murphy demanded at Bellamy. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Octavia gasped and looked around frantically as she cried, "Big brother, I love you and all that--but please do not tell us that you did see one and they're now haunting the woods right here in this dreary cold winter season! I can deal with all the mutated monsters, bugs, plants, hostile survivors, and all that--but ghosts...nope! That's where I draw the line!"

Bellamy shook his head and smiled reassuringly. "Relax, there's no ghost, sis. I just saw something very shocking that's all."

"Just what did you see?" Clarke instantly asked him, demanding and curious about why Bellamy reacted like that.

"Two survivors--and one of them is a pregnant woman," Bellamy simply replied.

There was instantly a shocked silence when the other three heard Bellamy's answer and needless to say, they're also stunned shocked speechless upon this revelation.

"I'm sorry--what?! Pregnant!? Seriously?!" Clarke stuttered shocked, her mouth almost gaping open but she managed to stop herself from doing so.

Murphy looked at Bellamy skeptically when he glanced from the spot where he was staring far away at and then back to him. "You sure you saw it? Or maybe you were just seeing things?"

Octavia instantly glared at him and slapped him on the arm, making him wince a little. "Hey! My big brother can be overprotective, bossy, and all that--even when it comes to me--but I know very well that a liar he is definitely not as well as he can't really see hallucinations or was imagining things when his own eyes see it!"

Murphy put up his hands to defend himself. "Sorry, girl--I was just making sure!"

"What happened? Where exactly did you see them go?!" Clarke asked excitedly, trying to spot the survivors that Bellamy had seen.

"Yeah, that's the thing...they just disappeared. I don't know how--but I lost them," Bellamy admitted almost feeling sheepish and embarrassed about it.

"No way!"

Clarke instantly grabbed for the binoculars so she could try searching and looking for them, but she's seeing the same thing that Bellamy had seen.

And that is--nothingness.

A sudden mystery of complete emptiness at the surroundings they're in near, far, and wide.

Like there weren't any survivors or any trace of them at all from the spot where he had seen them.

Even though there is completely nothing that they could see, Clarke was very stubborn into finding out more clues or something else, because it has been a long time since they've met or seen any survivors--and most of them were hostile or depressed suicidal ones that they encountered, and it seems the woman Clarke is a little desperate to know who the survivors were like she's hoping one of them is her lost family members that might be still alive and surviving out there.

John Murphy and the Blake siblings have already long lost their families since then from the 'Monster Fallout' but Clarke Griffin still has her mother Abby Griffin lost out there somewhere, despite that she admitted honestly that the two of them had been estranged since her dad passed away long before the monster outbreak came and everything. Despite that the others were happy to help their friend Clarke search for her mom, the only one left in the family of her whole life despite the hatred, she's not giving up to looking for her even with the fruitless searching and no positive results on any clues or traces of her for the past years as they survive and keep on being alive through this monster apocalypse.

Clarke hoped that maybe the survivors that Bellamy had seen, it might be her mom, even though she did hear him clearly say that the woman was pregnant, she didn't mind at all besides the fact that she needs to know whether she's alive and if it's really her or not. She had tried to move on and think that her mom might have died during the monster apocalypse and all that, but her inner guts keep telling her that she's still alive out there somewhere and staying strong to survive through this just like her.

Bellamy, Octavia, and Murphy all understood as they wanted the same since the Blake siblings left it too late upon trying to make amends with their neglecting mother that they turned their backs and abandoned her long ago, and then she died from meteor radiation-sickness at the beginning of the monster apocalypse before they could and Murphy ran away from his parents because he thought that they expected too much from him and he didn't want that, and it was too late for him to come home and make amends too when the Monster Fallout happened and monsters had devoured his parents right before his eyes.

So Bellamy leads the way into the right spot where he had seen the two survivors and the tracks left from their feet and movements were still there until they suddenly vanished along with them when he saw them disappear into thin air from that time before.

"Ohh wow...damn, you weren't kidding, man. The tracks here prove that what you saw was right--OW!"

Bellamy, his sister, and Clarke jumped startled when John Murphy suddenly cried out in pain like he hurt himself over something.

Then they looked at their friend weirdly after he made sure that his face that got hit was intact and well and he didn't get a broken nose before he put his hands out like he's miming some kind of invisible wall in front of him.

"Uhh...Murphy? What do you think you're doing?" Octavia asked as she's now looking at him like he's gone crazy, the same way Murphy did with her brother.

She could never understand why her older brother is friends with this kind of guy even though Bellamy insisted that he trusts him and that they're close buddies ever since they first met and all that.

"There's some kind of invisible wall here--I'm not kidding! There's something here that I just hit my face against!" Murphy exclaimed when they kept looking at him strangely like he's now getting crazier or something.

The two girls didn't seem to believe him but when Bellamy tentatively reached out to do the same actions as his friend did, it wasn't long until he also felt some kind of strong invisible force-field like a solid wall underneath the feeling of his entire hands.


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