CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 4

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(Continuation from Chapter 10 part 3)



As for what had happened to Charlotte, Draco's thoughts from earlier were partly true that something had happened to her, intercepted her way and threw her off course from her destination of the intended return back to the campsite to get others to come and help Draco, that she was forced to leave behind all alone back there and then.

She nearly tripped over or hit herself face first upon some trees that she near blindly get hurt or something as she tried to focus on following the magic compass leading her the way back to the campsite so that she can get help for Draco in a hasty hurry.

However, Charlotte should have known better than to watch out for something far worse than tripping over her feet on the ground or hitting her head against any trees she might run into--and she noticed it too late when something slimy stuck and snagged her left foot, making her cry out in surprise and pain when she fell forward straight to a face-plant.

Before she could regain her bearings and have her spinning mind cleared up from the sudden vertigo blur, Charlotte realized with sudden horror upon feeling her whole body being dragged back against the sticky slippery snow on the ground and instantly knew what caught her.

She also should have known better than not to look back to confirm it and saw, much to her wide-eyed terror and great fear, a monstrous large swamp-like toad had emerged from a nearby slightly frozen pond, sensed the prey passing by and quickly snagged her with its quick flicking sticky tongue and was pulling it right towards its big widening sharp-teethed jaws.

"Oh no! No-no-no--NO! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME! HELP! PLEASE!" Charlotte cried loudly and screamed shrilly, sobbing uncontrollably while trying to claw her way out and get a grip with her hands against the ground to stop herself from being pulled straight into a hungering doom right behind her but her fighting efforts are in vain when the slippery snowy ground prevented her from getting a stronghold or grip, even with the sturdy winter gloves she's wearing.

Charlotte thought at first that she should take her gloves off to get a firmer grip but she knew that she'll only get frostbite from doing it, still, she kept on fighting and struggling to break free as she's slowly being dragged by the monster frog that's about to get a delightful human snack. It seems that the girl had forgotten or was too blinded by her own fear and panic to remember that she had a magic weapon with her, which is the small enchanted Swiss Army Knife that Draco gave her before.

Just as the frightened teenage girl was about to sob out her last cry, her dying hope wasn't diminished right there and then, when an unlikely kind of savior came to her rescue--and when she first saw it, she thought it was just a normal domestic dog but it unexpectedly transformed right before her very eyes into another kind of canine and ran to bark, growl at, and snap its jaws at the monster toad, forcing it to let go of the human girl.

The monster toad moaned and whined like it's really frightened of the shape-shifting monster dog as it continued to bark and growl at it, snapping its sharp jaws too, but it didn't let go of its prey as it kept pulling its tongue inwards right near its open mouth.

Charlotte cried out in fear again, provoking the shape-shifting monster dog in enraging it angrily and then it snapped its big sharp jaws onto its tongue, cutting it swiftly into two just by one bite and the monster toad cried out bellowing in pain and agony from it.

MONSTERS, MAGIC, AND LOVE (Harry Potter x The 100 TV - crossover Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن