CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 2

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(Continuation from Chapter 10 part 1)


"Oh WOW! This is amazing!" Charlotte cried as she looked around wide-eyed inside the magical mobile trailer, along with the other boys looking around wide-eyed shocked in wonder too.

"Yeah, I know! It's official--I LOVE MAGIC!" Jake exclaimed again, still grinning widely as he looked around with beaming starry eyes in delight and wonder at their new home-traveling accommodations.

"You already said that--twice for that matter, in fact," Draco huffed but there's no mistaking the hidden smug smile that's showing in his eyes despite the blank expressionless face.

Bellamy and Murphy couldn't help themselves upon looking around, double-checking everything, including climbing to the top and even the topside of the very rooftop of the magically modified vehicle.

"This is great! You can be able to see everything outside from here, on top of the roof to the bottom windows!" Bellamy said in impressed approval when he checked if everything is all good and safely secure for their group.

"Yeah, there's also the beds too! But--I noticed that they're all double-kinds of beds as well as there are a lot of them..." Murphy remarked this as he sat down and tested one of the comfy beds for himself. He turned to inquire curiously at Draco, "You expecting more company or something?"

Draco snorted and stated the obvious. "Given our kind of luck that we have all been through in this kind of monster apocalypse--there's no telling what kind of unexpected surprises will come up in store for us when we leave and go on our journey out there again. I designed this, just in case, we might run into more survivors like Jack, his sister, and his group-mates. Hopefully, they will also turn out to be the good kinds and friendly ones too."

They already know what Draco's talking about in his statement and they also thought, hoping deeply inside their heads, that they might meet up with more living survivors like them, but the good friendly types of people and not the hostile bad ones.

Some of the people in the entire group hoped internally in their minds that they won't meet those kinds of bad people ever again and a few of them will be forced to do what they need to do to deal with them in order to protect their group if it comes to that, but they felt like they didn't want to lose any more what's left of their sane humanity if they're forced into another killing action or something heartrendingly heinous sin like that.

Their poor souls couldn't take anymore much psychological turmoil or emotional heartache when it comes to it and they're forced to do such deeds, even though it's a noble and brave good act to protect and ensure the safety of your group and family members. Even though they know very well that it's for their safety and survival, they can't help but feel that this situation has become worse because the monster apocalypse has turned the whole world into some kind of survival of the fittest battle scenario or something like that.

But it seems that Helen, Draco, Luna, and Neville have already gone through that sort of situation before in their former world, and they're strong and courageous enough to fight through the monster apocalypse with their hearts and spirits still intact and strong by then. And these four Mages will be there for the others to comfort and reassure them that they'll survive through this the same as them, and still have their inner beings and themselves intact and well.

"It's not much will have to make do for all of us--not to mention the possibility of adding twenty or thirty more survivors when we encounter them or not," Draco said.

He ignored Murphy when he exclaimed 'Seriously!?' incredulously upon being surprised by how much more this magical vehicle can fit that many survivors inside it and turns away to another matter to deal with now that their transportation is finished.

MONSTERS, MAGIC, AND LOVE (Harry Potter x The 100 TV - crossover Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz