Last Chance

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Rushing into her bedroom Boscha slammed the door shut. Fuck! Another day another rejected courting gift.

The omega stared at the blank walls of her room for a minute. Years ago in a breakdown, Boscha had ripped down every poster and picture. Destroying every one of those stupid, worthless fucking trophies.

She had never put anything back up in their place. A hollow and haunting reminder of who she was. Who she would never be again.

Sitting down at her desk, the mirror that had sat on top was long gone, having been one of the first things she destroyed. Unable to stand looking at herself.

Boscha let out a tired sigh, folding up the most recent rejected gift. A silky dark green scarf. Willow had issues with certain textures, so Boscha had made sure to get it in a material the alpha liked. But not like it mattered. It never mattered.

Willow was never going to say yes. That much was clear. It was their last year at Hexside. She had been trying to court Willow this whole time. But the alpha was having none of it.

It perplexed Boscha. Because they did everything together. They would always sit knees and shoulders touching. They would spend the weekends in the park, or at the library. When they would hug, Boscha could feel the alpha breathing in her scent.

It was Boschas fault, of course. She was obviously reading the signs wrong. Clearly, Willow only wanted to be friends.

But then.. There were times that they would be lying on a blanket in the park. And Boscha would turn to Willow, the look the alpha gave her made Boscha melt inside.

No one had ever looked at Boscha like that. It's like Willow was looking at fine art. Something beautiful. Something delicate, that needed to be cherished. Boscha could swear it almost looked like love.

And in those moments the omega desperately wished she could kiss the alpha. So she would lean forward. And so would Willow. So close they could taste the other's scents on their tongues.

Every time, the omega's heart would start to race, hoping this would finally be it. That they would finally kiss. But every time Willow would pull away. Leaving Boscha an aching mess.

The triclops could swear it was almost like they were dating. But yet..

The alpha still refused her courting gifts.

What kind of game is she playing? Why is she fucking stringing me along? Boscha couldn't help but growl to herself. She tried to stay away from toxic thoughts like that, but days like these made it hard.

Willow is a real alpha. She would never stoop so low just to date a fake omega.

Boscha shook herself, trying to clear her thoughts. She just couldn't help herself. Why wouldn't Willow just say yes?

Was Willow really mad that she was being courted by an omega? Was Willow really that old-fashioned? Did Willow feel as though she needed to do the courting because she was an alpha?

Well, it's not like Boscha didn't give her time. Though the omega still gave courting gifts, she would wait at least six months in between each one. Not wanting to pressure Willow into anything.

Boscha sighed, setting the silk scarf on the top of her desk. Along with every other rejected gift. Five in total.

Five failures.

At this point, Boscha wasn't even sure why she continued to try. Willow wasn't interested. So why couldn't Boscha just let it go? Why was she so hung up over someone who clearly doesn't want her?

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