"Yeah." He stops. "You're not playing tonight."

I was taken by surprise. "What? What do you mean? It's my first game."

"Look Myla, one of the assassins is on the lacrosse team. I don't want to getting hurt. So you're not playing."

I open my mouth to defend myself again but I was cut off by Coach's voice. "Little McCall!" I look in his direction. "First game, you're starting. Don't disappoint me." Before I could say anything he walks away.

"I'm playing. I can help." I say.

Scott sighs. "There's a dagger at the end of the stick. Be careful. I got to go."

"Liam wait!" Someone yells and I look and follow. I walk outside to see Liam face to face with our opponent tonight.

"Brett!" Liam's breathing was heavy, as if he was pissed off. "I just wanted to say, have a good game." He sticks out his arm, wanting the opponent to shake it or something. Suddenly the whole team erupted in laughter.

"That's cute, Liam." Brett laughed. "Is that what they told you to say in anger management? Apologize and everything is fine? You demolished Coach's car."

"I paid for it." Liam said in his gritted teeth.

Brett smiled. "Yeah, you're going to pay for it. We're going to break you in half out there. And it's going to be all your fault."

I look at Liam's clenched fist and saw blood drip from between his fingers.

"Oh shit." I quickly reacted by stepping in. I pulled Liam's shoulder so he would step away from the prep student. "Hi. Hi there. Welcome to a public high school. I'm Myla. I'm excited for our scrimmage. I don't know what you do at your preppy school, but we keep things clean here. We don't like asshats." I suddenly put a smile on my face. "See you out there. Let's go Liam."

"Stiles. Locker room. 911." I push Liam into the school and into the locker room. His eyes glowed and suddenly he tried to push back and I used all my force to push back into the closest wall and it happened to be the showers. He growled and tried to rip me to shreds but I used my strength to keep him back. While I pushed him back, his back pressed the shower turn on.

"Liam calm down!" The water rushed on his head and then onto me. I loosen my grip allowing his back to stop pressing the shower. "Are you done yet?"

In response, Liam roars. I took it as a no and shoved him back in the shower. Water rushes back down on him and me.

"Okay! Okay!" I let go and he leaned onto the other wall panting.

"You destroyed your coach's car?" I ask, wringing out my hair. "Why your coach?"

Liam sighs as he moves down the wall to sit. "He benched me for the entire season."


His voice gets quieter. "I got a couple of red cards."

I raise my eyebrows and crouch down to his level. "That's it? You sure?"

Liam looks down. "I got kicked out of school and they sent me to a psychologist for an evaluation. They said I have Intermittent Explosive Disorder."

I was taken back. "IED? You have IED? Did they give you anything for it?"

"Risperdal. It's an antipsychotic." He looks up at me. "But I don't take it. It makes me tired, and I can't play lacrosse."

The door opens and footsteps come close until Stiles nonchalantly walks in and looks at us. "You called me in here after you two did it in the high school showers? You going that low Myla? Damn."

I stand up, a different type of anger rising. "You know what Stiles? No, we didn't 'do it' in the showers. I was holding him back while he wolfed out and tried to rip me to shreds. That's what 911 means. I'm so glad you came 15 minutes later."

Stiles's eyes widened. "Calm down Myla." He started blinking rapidly, signaling that my eyes were glowing.

I look down. "His leg hurts. He can't play."

Liam shoots up. "What? No, no! I can play, I can do it. Especially if you two and Scott are there."

I turn to Liam. "That's not the whole reason Liam. We think whoever killed Demarco is on our team. The guy who was beheaded at the party. He delivered the keg to the party. So we think whoever ordered the keg killed Demarco."

Liam looked down as if he knew something. "Liam do you know something?" Stiles stepped forward.

"Uh," Liam started, "I don't know who ordered the keg, but I know who paid for it."

let me love you {2} - stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now