Reasons to love our lives

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"Have you got everything?"

Nico's lips twitched in amusement. "Almost everything", he said. "Except my driver's license."
"Well, you're working on it", I said and pecked his forehead. "For now, I will just drive, alright?" Nico had started taking driving lessons seven days before, and he was super motivated about it.

It was the 23rd of December, and until New Year's Eve, we would spend our time with my mortal family - my mother Naomi had fought for a few years, but now they agreed to let me join the family meetings again. It was my chance to finally, truly find peace with that part of my past - that humiliation I had gone through because I outed myself as gay.

And Nico would join me, support me and bring me out of there if it all escalated. Sometimes, I wondered what was worse - child-eating monsters or conservative, catholic grandparents?
Celine. Out of all these options, Celine had been the worst.

These last six months, so much had happened. Of course, Nico and I had been roommates, and therefore all that intimate stuff had finally happened. But sadly, there had been her - that crazy, lovesick mortal who somehow managed to capture and keep me in her cellar for two weeks. I still remembered the sour stench of withering food, that dim light illuminating the boxes and shelves, creeping closer and closer with every passing -

Nico kissed me softly. "Hey, Will, don't get lost in thoughts."
I flinched, but forced a smile on my face. "I never get lost in thoughts."
"Hmm", my wonderful boyfriend made and raised an eyebrow. "Fine. Just do me one favor."
"Everything, sunshine", I promised.
"If it gets too much for you, take a break."

I nodded and kissed him again, enjoying the warm feeling of his lips on mine. Nico's breath tickled my skin, and just because I could, I drove my hands down to his trousers and caressed his behind. Nico chuckled a little and closed his hands around my neck. "We should finish packing first", he meant, but he didn't break off the contact.

Celine had tried to tear us apart; and the humiliating thing was, it had almost worked. If it wouldn't have been for that challenge - 100 dates in one year - and both our sexual awakenings - who knew how our relationship would've turned out.

Speaking of sexual awakenings. I shook my head to Nico's words and gave him another long kiss. He leaned onto me; as if he would fall when I would step back. But he didn't have to worry because I was there, holding him tightly to my body.

Nico buried his head in my neck and whispered: "I love you."
"I know you do", I reassured him and ruffled his hair a little. "And you know what? I love you too."
He laughed silently and kissed my shoulder. "I know", he said silently, only then solving my arms from his body.

"But before we show that love, we should finish packing", Nico then said. "Maybe you're right", I gave in and kissed him one last time before he went back to his bag.
I quickly scanned my college block; was there something marked as important?

Nothing in this block, at least. But my eyes were drawn to a colorful paper in the middle of the stack. I opened it properly and read through it: 100 REASONS TO LOVE MY LIFE.
I had listed persons or things; Celine had devaluated most of them with little scribbled notes next to them. Fifteen points had been about my siblings; each of them were a delight, a reason to love what I was being here.

She had marked all of it and written a question next to it: DO THEY EVEN LIKE YOU?
I had crossed the words and rolled my eyes at her, but that hadn't stopped the pessimistic girl. To the part where I had listed all the great food I liked, she had written: IT MAKES YOU FAT AND LETS YOU DIE EARLIER!

The sunshine on all the beautiful locations I've listed? IT BURNS YOUR SKIN.
All my friends and my boyfriend? THEY'LL ALL DIE SOMEDAY AND LEAVE YOU ALONE.

Well, she really hadn't been a pleasure to be with. Really, how could a human be so negative all the time? She had been what everybody assumed Nico was back when I had started to date him.

And now she was dead, shot by an overreacting police officer. Shouldn't I moan her loss? But even though her missing was present on every day, I just felt... I felt as if I finally could breathe again. She had been the one respelling poison in my ear constantly.

I hadn't been able to help her, and I wasn't even sure if she had wanted my help. Celine had kept me down, and I hadn't been strong enough to lift both of us up again. It was humiliating that I failed, but at least I was somewhat free.

Suzanne had agreed to do more sessions with me; now three times a week instead of one. If I wouldn't repeat myself with my worries again and again, I wouldn't need it, but - I still did. Getting help wasn't a bad thing; I had to remind myself of that almost daily.

The bright colors seemed to personally want to hurt my eyes. 100 REASONS TO LOVE MY LIFE.
I crumbled the paper in my hands and ripped it to shreds. 100 reasons my ass! I didn't have to have reasons to live, I could just do it. I was a free person, and life didn't have to be analyzed.

Suddenly, two ivory white arms wrestled themselves around my chest. "What did I tell you about getting lost in thoughts?", he asked me, his voice a little stricter than usual.
Why did that turn me on?

"Sorry, sunshine", I apologized and leaned against him. "It's okay", he reassured me and nudged his lips against my jawline. "Shall I do the packing for you?"
"No, no, I can do that", I sighed, but didn't move.

And my boyfriend didn't really help, now tracing his lips up and down my neck and shoulders. His fingers were softly circling over my pullover, not removing it from my body though. I didn't like being shirtless anymore after these two weeks.

Nico's hands moved down now, over my abdomen to my thighs, more and more in the private area...
"You're bad", I moaned, a shiver taking advantage of me as he chuckled. "I know. I really shouldn't be that turned on right now."
"You're right", I said, shifting my hips so my crotch met his fingers. "Go on."

He chuckled again, drawing his hands away. "Finish packing first."
I turned around to pout at him, but that didn't do me any good. He nudged his chin forward to my bag and just meant: "The sooner you finish, the more time we have."

I jumped and grabbed some clothing laying on my bed. "Aye aye, captain!", I said, making him laugh. His bags were already closed, and my boyfriend fell back on his own bed, tugging a little pawn out of his drawer. It was a mermaid; probably some Mythomagic figurine.

But he promised me something I just couldn't deny. And I would get it before we had to drive off.


What did Simon do to both of them - can you assume it? For the second last chapter, a little bit Solangelo. The last chapter will come out this weekend, soo... stay tuned for that! :D

Vote, comment, share this story if you don't feel weird about it, and I love you all!

~ Sunflower

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