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Captain di Angelo was a blessing for my tired eyes.

The exams slowly started to crawl nearer and nearer; the next big threat I had to face. Couldn't I just help saving the world again? That was way easier than learning from stupid papers and blinding screens.

But Kathy had promised me that I would definitely get distracted by the Halloween party. "Usually, they aren't at all like they are in the movies", she had said. "But this party definitely wants to be like that."

Celine, even though she apparently loved Halloween because she could be all herself, had forbidden us to pick too "nerdy" costumes. Therefore, my jedi costume was not as realistic as I wished it to be. I had tried to bring a light saber, but Celine had taken it away from me. She had also taken away Nico's sword, even though a real sailor needed that.

Still, he was allowed to keep his fancy hat and the beautiful, beautiful coat, flooding down at his body in such a...
Fine, I wouldn't judge myself for my own thoughts. Nico looked sexy as a rich, elegant sailor. He pulled it off perfectly.

I carefully intertwined my fingers with his while we followed the girls inside the party house. They had mermaid costumes; with seashell tops, body glitter and tight, long skirts. I had to give it to Celine; she had designed a beautiful, special outfit. Still, I would never had gone out in the topless outfit she designed for me. Jedi was the perfect costume for me.

Nico sighed deeply, already exhausted. "The music is so loud", he complained. "How are we supposed to hear anything?"
"We are not", Kathy said. "If you want to talk, you have to scream."
Yassy chuckled, elegantly turning around to us. "But it's great to dance", she told us. "You can hear the music even though everybody else doesn't give a shit about it."
"Do you want to dance with me?", I asked Nico and he rolled his eyes. "Do I have anything else to do?"

"Well, you're too young to drink", Kathy said. "But you could still participate in party games, or drink illegally, or just look around and enjoy the chaos."
He bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes, as if he was struggling with his self control. "That sounds... fun", he hissed.

Nico gasped as I stopped him from lip biting by kissing him. Kathy bit her palm, but she still squealed. "Why are you so cute together?!", she asked.
"Kathy, control yourself", Celine advised, opening the garden door.
Even here, in the front yard of that mansion, was everything packed with people. Admittedly, it was a tiny front yard and a tiny mansion, but it was still impressive how many young people seemed to celebrate Halloween.

Nico tapped my shoulder and pointed his finger at something in the crowd. I followed his view - and saw two girls, making out without even caring about anything else.
"Alright, I guess I can relax here", I said.
Celine laid an arm around my shoulder. "Look at the front door."

She led Nico and me to the big, wooden door. A big rainbow was painted all over the surface, with glittering letters beneath:


"Wow", Nico said. "That's really great."
"You're welcome", Celine said with a grin. "I specifically looked for safe spaces."
"Thank you", I said.
"I can't let gay Christmas be ruined by some ignorant dumbasses, right?", she meant.
"Yeah, right", I said, feeling an uncontrollable smile tugging at my lips.

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