day fourteen of memories

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I had to stay up for four more nights and days straight because of my pride. It's the biggest flex I'll ever have, but not gonna lie, I slept for whole days after that. Of course not the very moment after that phase was over, they held the next phase right after that one, and it was pretty irritating. The thing was that they took us straight to the next phase, and there was no break. The ride was about fifteen minutes. Someone tell me how the heck that was possible, if the place we were going to, was a temple in the mountains, on the mainland. We started off on a deserted island.
if you thought that was it, oh-ho-ho how you are so wrong! The next phase was basically sparring matches on top of sparring matches, between two candidates. The only rule was that you couldn't kill your opponent. You'd imagine how I felt after receiving zero sleep for four days straight, hearing this news. Oh I also had zero combat skills, so there was that. With any luck, I'd get some side character. 

'Side characters can't defeat the protagonist!' that's what I thought back then. I've watched a few shows in the time since then, and... yeah I can confirm that statement to indeed be false. This whole journal is turning into a rant for me, and I'm starting to think I'm stuck up after reading the previous pages... oh well. 
But besides that situation! Gon went first, and some chiz happened. When I say some, I mean real chiz went down. We had Hanzo beating the absolute crap outta Gon, and Gon just getting tossed around like a rag doll. Me and the boys were ready to pull that man's nonexistent weave. For real tho, this guy's head looked like an egg. But besides the point, he was the definition of 'don't underestimate me.' 
Gon ran into him once in the forest, and the guy seemed pretty chill. Now he was some kind of high end ninja man, who used trees to train since he was a toddler. I am ninety percent sure his ninja training classmates bullied him when he was little. Don't question it, it's just how it is. The whole thing ended with Hanzo surrendering, Gon passed out with a broken arm, being taken away for medical care. Gon still won tho.
So after that brutal game of kick the buddy, Kurapika and Hisoka went next. Blah blah blah, next thing you know, Hisoka whispers in Kurapika's ear about something completely un-related to sparring. Probably. I don't know, I couldn't hear. All I know is whatever Hisoka said, surprised Kurapika in an upsetting way. 
The next sparring match was mines. Now here's where it gets funny. Wait for it, wait for it...! I was going up against Killua! I for real thought I was going to die that day! So I walk onto the battle field, fully prepared to kneel down before my new ruler, when he goes ahead and surrenders for me.  I didn't know whether to be offended or not, considering the fact that he said I was too weak to fight him, but either way, I was grateful that I survived so-
But after that match, was when chiz actually went down. First, some rando that we never knew about until now, went and did some voodoo magic on his face, and poof! That's Killua's big bro. He also went on and did some more voodoo chiz on Killua, forcing him to surrender. Next thing you know, Killua's killing his next opponent, and everyone else is graduating the hunter exam by this dark miracle. 
Gon woke up while the rest of us were doing our orientation for being hunters.  He stormed in there, grabbed Killua's bro, and did a full on karate flip while standing upright. You could see the blood in Killua's bro's arm. I don't know if it was because he was pale as frick, or if Gon was just that strong, but I've said my point. So Gon and Killua's bro got into a one sided argument. I wasn't actually paying that much attention to it, so the dialogue may be inaccurate. 

"apologize to your brother!" 

Then Killua's bro was like, "bro. I have like 2937492347 brothers, you gotta be more specific. Either way I'm not apologizing to chiz."

Then Gon was like, "apologize to Killua!"

Then again, Killua's bro was like, "again, I ain't doin chiz."

Then Gon went on and yelled in his face like, "where did you take him?!"

Then Killua's bro (whose name is actually Illumi, (yeah I know pretty late))was like, "I didn't take Olivia grace anywhere, he walked a mile with his own high heel shoes."

So while I these two ladies were fighting, I was busy thinking about life. Somewhere along the way, I completely demolished my own self esteem, leading me to make a decision that I  would later on be the greatest mistake of my life. For some reason, I decided that since I was only ever a weighing Gon down in his journey, and that I was never meant to be the main protagonist to begin with.Even though I regret the decision, I can't help but agree with all the statements. It only made sense, since I basically only passed the hunter exam, by riding on their backs.
It's officially been about three years since then, and I'm currently living in yorknew city, in a two room apartment, thousands of dollars in debt from loan sharks, and three months worth of late rent fees. Sure I'm only seventeen and owning an apartment, but chiz happened. I'm surviving. 
Instead of doing anything about these problems, I'm sitting down on  my desk, reminiscing on the good old days, while the said loan sharks knock on my door. I couldn't be more disappointed with my life. Well sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Better luck next time.

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