day six of memories

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Surprisingly, we found our way back, and found out that Hisoka actually kept his word when he said that he'd take Leorio on to the next phase of the hunter exam(I'm still debating on whether that's a good thing or not, considering what he went through, in that same phase). Again, we had only a ten minute break before entering the next phase, and I was starting to think that the only reason why we were only getting ten minute breaks was because me and the boys kept coming back in last place. Not that there was actually any ranking board anyways.
while we were on the long, tiring journey, following the scent of Leorio's cologne, I also managed to fall down a random hole in the ground, in which Gon caught my hand last minute, and had to pull me up. He made it seem more of a struggle than it actually was. 

"use your arms dad gummit, I'm going to ducking die!" I'd yell at him.

On top of that, when he finally did manage to pull me up, he insisted that he carry me the rest of the way, so there I was, being carried over his shoulder like a frickin' sack of potatoes.
every five minutes, I'd try and tell him to put he down, and that I could handle myself, but he was just as skeptical about that as I was about tonpah. When we got back to the rest of the candidates, I'd already given up on trying to convince Gon to put me down, and probably fell asleep, because I only remember telling him to put me down for about six times or so, and I also doubt it only took us that long to find our way back. The boys were really suspicious on why Gon was carrying me. Surprisingly, Leorio was awake when we got there. When Leorio saw us, he wiggled his eyebrows at Gon, and gave a thumbs up. I could never really tell if he was supposed to be some kind of wingman for Gon, or if he was just being creepy again.
for the next phase of the hunter exam, we had to capture some pigs, and cook them up into some kind of dish for our new examiners, who happened to be gourmet hunters. No surprise there. While we were there, some idiot had to go on and make fun of gourmet hunters, so the examiners decided to take it out on all of us. Each pig we'd ever bring to them, one of the examiners would say that it was either too over cooked, or too charred on the outside. Things like that.
Even though I spent a lot of time, helping Gon's aunt Mito, I never actually learned how to cook from her. I'd only do the grocery shopping, since I'd also have to get supplies like flower, for my pranks. Though one time she did offer to teach me how to cook, but sadly enough, I declined. Now I see why some people overthink, because if I'd just accepted at least one lesson from her, I wouldn't be in this mess. Sometimes the universe just loves to watch you suffer, as part of your 'character development.' Heck, I'm pretty sure I'm not even the main character anymore, seeing as Gon and Killua, are so good at everything they do!
but back to the current stage of the hunter exam, before even beginning to cook, we had to find and kill a pig. That day I learned that there are such things as giant pigs, that live in swamps. What a day indeed, because it turned out that those same pigs were highly aggressive to other beings that weren't a part of their kind. Yes, yes. What a day indeed. 
So picture this. You're walking peacefully through a swamp, tryna, find some pigs, when you hear a scream. You mistake it for a little girl's scream, and run towards it to save the little girl, because you're an awesome person. But when you get to the source of the screaming, you find out that it was none other than that idiot that magically made it into your friend group. His name is Leorio. 
Yeah you read that correctly. Leorio was being chased by a whole group of giant pigs, while he was squealing like a little girl. Even the pigs sounded more like themselves when they squealed. This man may be an idiot, but he's still in your friend group, so you decide to help, only to be told by him, that he's got everything under control, when he clearly wasn't. But you help him anyways. After you help him, he starts yelling at you for helping, just because 'I had everything under control!' and, 'I would've been able to handle all of those pigs any day!' The audacity of some people. smh.

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