day two of memories

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these two, are my friends Kurapika, and Leorio. Me and Gon met them on the boat we were taking to the continent. They're like the smart and dumb dynamic duo(don't tell Leorio I said that!). When we first met them, they both actually had a little bit of chaotic and idiotic-ness. They both had already gotten into a fight in the first thirty minutes we'd gotten on the boat. I had a whole fool proof plan to solve their little quarrel. I figured I'd unite them against a common enemy; i.e., me! I'd pull a bunch of pranks on them, leaving just enough hints on who did it, so that they wouldn't end up blaming each other. I'm awesome, right? Yeah that's... for you to decide...

Even though I crafted this master plan, Gon came in soon after with a different plan, to simply leave them be, like how Aunt Mito left me and him be, that one time when we got into a fight(that was most likely started by me, but let's not talk about that right now-). Sure Gon's plan was a little more efficiant, and sure it was way quicker than mine, but at least my plan worked with my area of expertise, and was actually pretty strategic! His was so simple, and boring... but I guess I should give Gon some credit, because his plan actually worked pretty well, because from then on, they rarely fought, despite their different opinions and views on life. 
Before the whole fighting mess started, Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika were the only ones on the boat that weren't seasick. I'm surprised I could even remember what happened. To add to the fact that I got seasick along with all the other lowlives on the boat, my parents were sailors! You'd think they'd pass on some genetic trait, that would give me sea legs or something, but nope. God said, 'nah, you ain't gettin chiz.', because here I am, trying to seem as normal, and healthy as possible, while turning green every five to ten seconds. Well at least I was actually able to move, unlike the other seasick weaklings!
It seemed that the captain of the ship noticed how persistent and strong to the stomach I was, because he brought everyone else into the control room, to get to know each and every one of us personally.
I feel like I gave the most impact with my story, of how I've had to fend for myself my entire life, because my parents were always off voyaging for treasure. So what if Kurapika had an almost equally epic story, of how his whole clan was murdered, and that he was the last known survivor, but I still think mine was pretty good... I guess! Gon pulled out the old, 'I wanna find my dad!' card, and Leorio didn't really tell us anything important. Weirdly though, he insisted that we call him Mr. Leorio, and when I say insisted, I mean demanded! That's how the whole argument between him and Kurapika started! Because Leorio had to point his nose in the air, and tell everyone to call him Mr. Leorio, and then Kurapika pulled out the uno reverse card, and stuck his nose in the air too, refusing to call Leorio with honorifics, and then Leorio had the guts to go ahead and diss Kurapika's bloodline.
It was like,

"call me Mr. Leorio, you unimportant underling."

and then Kurapika was like, "and why would I do that, you uncultured swine?"

and then Leorio went on and said, "well your bloodline ain't chiz.*spits on Kurapika*"

and then I was like, "oh sh!t!" 
then everyone was looking at the two of them like the real house wives of the hunter association. Of course the whole thing didn't go exactly like I said, but I know that, that was what everyone was thinking of saying. Long story short, Leorio said "step the duck up Kyl- I mean Kurapika!" and then Kurapika was like, "alright lets go bih."
so there they were, standing on the deck of the boat, and mind you that we were in the middle of going over a wave that was bigger than yo mama while they were standing out there, as if they were the frickin' chosen ones, balancing perfectly, on the boat that was literally rolling 180 degrees on it's sides. 
Oh but after that, Gon jumped off the boat, saved a dude, and miraculously made Kurapika and Leorio get along. It turns out we were the chosen ones, because the captain told us that the other candidates were idiots, and that the real way to go was to somehow get to some tree on a hill, way on the opposite side of where we were told to go. Yep, not sketchy at all. Let's all just follow the advice of an old man, who looked high at the time, and was the one who supposedly 'deceived the other candidates' in the first place. we did.

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