day nine of memories

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Gon asked me what Killua meant when he said that, because him being the ray of sunshine he was, didn't understand what Killua hinted at. Again, he's too holy for this world. I had zero clue what to say to him, so I simply changed the subject, like the absolutely normal human being I was. 

...And that was a lie. Because I won't deny the fact that sometimes I can be an awesomely dumb person.

"OhLookAtTheTime, WeHaveToLeave! FeelFreeToStayBehind-" After that, I ran out of the room, and almost tripped on the dead bodies that were still out in front of our door.
I still cringe at that memory to this day. It's been three years. 
When we got out of the hot air ballon with a machine engine, Killua couldn't stop smirking and making lewd jokes toward me and Gon, but specifically me, because he knew Gon wouldn't try and cuddle with me or anything like that, without being told to. He was twelve, and I was thirteen at the time, so don't be getting too creative!!! I just realized that I should've just told Killua that, instead of freezing up on the spot like a wimp... My streak of awesomeness remains untouched though!
For the next phase of the hunter exam, we were brought to this mountain, that was split down the middle. As it turns out, our examiner, Menchi, was being way too strict on us candidates, so much that the chairman was alerted, and now we were doing some kind of different activity for the hunter exam, so we were re-doing the phase, I should say. 
By the time me and Gon got out of the flying ship, they had already finished explaining what we were going to do, so you could imagine the look on our faces, when Menchi low-key committed suicide by jumping off the frickin' cliff. 
that was a real silent minute right there.  I even remember someone coughing in the background as if this were some kind of 80's sitcom. After a few two minutes of that silence, people started walking away, thinking the hunter exam was over since one of the examiners died, when a huge gust of wind came up from the split in the mountain. Among the gust of wind, Menchi also came up from the canyon, to see everyone walking away. Immediately, Menchi yelled at everyone to come back. The looks on everyone's faces were priceless. They looked like they'd just seen a ghost, which in a way, you'd think that they actually did. 
As it turned out, the challenge was to jump off the side of a cliff, aim to grab a spider eagle egg from a very thin web, and wait for the right time, so that when you jump down, the draft comes right after you drop down to get the egg. Since it wasn't rocket science, I figured, it couldn't be that hard.
Mistakes, mistakes... they're all I make. I ran to the edge, and jumped just as Menchi told us to give it a go. 

'If I die, at least I die an epic death.' I thought to myself. just as I was about to grab an egg, and nearly plummet to my death, I heard Gon shouting my name, as I fell, and missed the egg. Maybe Gon has a thing for catching people at the last minute, because guess who caught my hand at the last minute just like before, in the swamp when I fell down that random hole. 
I was about to yell at him for saving me again, but then I decided to save it for later. When we weren't hanging over a seemingly bottomless canyon, from a frickin' spider- eagle web, that was going to break at any minute. This world insults me way too much. Gon always had to come and save me, whether we were in a dangerous situation or not, I'd always find a way to get myself into some trouble. The thing that bugs me the most, is that I couldn't save myself all those different times. Since then, I've learned to fend for myself though, so if we should ever run into each other again, and I somehow got in trouble with some big guys, like the hunters association, or the mafia, I'd be able to leave him with no evidence that we know each other. I'd be just fine...
Now enough of that! We'd been waiting for the draft to come and pick us up for over a while now, and Gon's arms were getting tired. I could feel his grip loosening, and at the last minute, he let go just as the web snapped. We were free falling into a bottomless canyon, and the wind was just as still as the spectators above. 

'well if I'm gonna die, at least it's with you...' I thought to myself, pulling Gon to me, just like before, when we were under the blanket.

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